17–21 Sept 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

GOCDB, GLUE2 and Information Discovery

19 Sept 2012, 16:00
Zenit (Clarion Conference Centre)


Clarion Conference Centre

Presentation EGI Operations (Tiziana Ferrari: track leader) Operations Workshops


david meredith (STFC)

Wider impact of this work

see abstract

Description of the work

see abstract

Printable Summary

The GOCDB data model is comparable to a sub-set of the GLUE2 specification. A current GOCDB requirement is to render the GOCDB data in a GLUE2 compatible format. To achieve this, we have engaged with the GLUE2 working group to help advance the GLUE2 XML rendering. We will provide a status update of this work. In addition, we will also assess the feasibility and requirement of the Regional-Publishing GOCDB model that would involve publishing of EGI scoped data to a parent GOCDB; its main use-case is to allow customisation of the Local scoped data. With the introduction of a GLUE2 rendering, we would like to explore the overlap (if any) between GOCDB and other information systems. We would also like to explore any avenues for interoperability between the different information discovery systems.

Primary authors

Presentation materials