MPI TF Demo meeting 3 Aug 2012 ------------------------------ * Enol Fernandez (IFCA) * Alvaro Simón (CESGA) * Gergely Sipos ( * Zdenek Sustr (CESNET) (Phone bridge) * Roberto Rosende (CESGA) Apologies: John Gordon (STFC), Gonçalo Borges (LIP) 2) MPI demo features 30' --------------------------------- * GNEMO use case - Resource providers (GRIDIT VO) Alvaro: Daniele and Alessandro will coloborate with us, they are using openmpi. They are in holidays now and not connect. Gergely: fine contact with them, maybe more NGIs can provide more apps. Alvaro: We will use MPI VT mailing list to do that. * MPI Nagios probes Alv: Enol explain how is nagios probes situation. Enol: it's almost working, need test more. By TF will be ready. What is the exact requirements for TF? Alv: show nagios mpi probes implemented and working. Enol: fine show nagios probes results in a web page for TF * Information system Alv: several ways to show that, the metrics portal can check the number of MPI resources available. maybe It's a good idea to show this during MPI demo. What do you think? Gergely: if information system is not ready this is better than nothing but metrics portal's MPI Values are not clear. Alv: I must check with Ivan if these numbers are correct or not, and send a email to mpi-vt mailing list. Gergely: I can't see MPI resources tendency or a history graph. Alv: it's a good idea to check, I will ask to Ivan if we can implement that for TF. Gerg: You can provide static graphs for TF Alv: Yes, MPI historic info is already stored in our database Gerg: another idea, if you have nagios probes, compare numbers of fails with metric portal values Alv: but nagios is not in production yet. Enol: we can change our current endpoint and set a production topbdii. Alv: yes we can change it to try do that, Enol could you do it? Enol: ok * Video tutorial Alv: provide a video tutorial. 3) Demo booth 20' -------------------- - Demo schedule Gerg: demo will be scheduled to be done in only one hour. Alv: I will check our agendas to find good slot for that. But we can provide a video also. Gerg: I will ask for planning. We will allocate one day for MPI demo, focus on breaks. Wednesday initially, but check your agendas. Alv: maybe I can create a doodle to check MPI members availability for those days and who is willing to attend MPI demo Gerg: ok, indicate the different breaks for different days. Alv: The best day is on Thursday because it's the cocktail session. Enol: I will be whole week so I can also attend the demo. - Facilities Alv: we have a laptop? tv? Gerg: I don't know, maybe a screen but no computer Alv: Ok we will provide a laptop. - Booth attendants Alv: just to know who will attend the demo: Me, Enol. Submit mail to check if someone else can help - Posters (technical stuff/VT presentation/GNEMO app) Alv: we can provide some posters, to show VT work. Zdnek could you take care of that? Zdnek: yes, I can't help to prepare them but we can print VT posters if its needed. Gerg: yes it's fine support with posters Alv: we can ask to Alessandro and Daniele if they can provide some poster 5) AoB 5' Alvaro: About NIL presentation, what do you need? Gergely: It's a 5min presentation, just 2 slides to explain MPI VT work. 6) ACTIONS ----------- * Alvaro: Create Doodle poll to check MPI VT members availably during TF breaks and show our demo. * Alvaro: Ask Ivan about Metrics Portal MPI metrics and show a static history graph. * Alvaro: Ask NGIs through MPI VT mailing list about more MPI apps to show during MPI demo. Ask NGI if they can provide posters about their apps. * Enol: Test MPI Nagios probes. Include production resource provides (maybe from a specific NGI) to run these tests. * Zdenek: Print if necessary MPI VT posters. * Gergely: Provide MPI VT poster based on MPI VT members draft (we will write a MPI draft for Sara).