IGE Accounting Status Update ============================ 16th Nov 2012 J.S.Robinson@soton.ac.uk Background ---------- A requirement from the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) [1] was established for the transmission of accounting data from sites running Globus Toolkit (GT) v5.2.x [2] installations, to the EGI accounting system - APEL [3]. Current Status -------------- Grid-SAFE [4] and Batch2UR [5] were identified as candidate components in a suite of tools to meet this requirement. These tools have been adapted, extended and packaged by IGE [6] to enable the following workflow: 1. Generation of OGF Usage Records [7] (URs) from GT5 audit logs. The record format that is employed is based upon the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) Compute Accounting Record [8], whilst remaining compatible with the OGF UR standard. IGE Packages: [gridsafe-ige-batch2ur / gridsafe-ige-batch2ur-scripts] 2. Submission of URs via SOAP to the Resource Usage Publishing Interface (RUPI) [9] service on a site-level Grid-SAFE installation. IGE Packages: [gridsafe-ige-client] 3. Site-level aggregation, analysis and reporting of accounting data via the Grid-SAFE web portal. IGE Packages: [gridsafe-ige-server] 4. Export of accounting data from Grid-SAFE in APEL summary-job-message v0.2 format [10], ready for upload to APEL via SSM. IGE Packages: [gridsafe-ige-server] Each software package contains the original authors' documentation, augmented where appropriate by IGE. We have successfully demonstrated this full workflow, including upload of valid summary-job-messages to the APEL test server. The packages are undergoing further testing at LRZ and by UMD certifiers. Ongoing Work ------------ Currently, VO data is not retrieved from job submissions. Work in the current IGE development cycle (ending March 2013) is continuing to extract VI data from LCMAPS , and to transmit it through the described workflow. References ---------- [1] http://www.egi.eu [2] http://www.globus.org [3] http://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/APEL [4] http://gridsafe.sourceforge.net [5] http://vidar.ngs.manchester.ac.uk/rus.html [6] http://www.ige-project.eu [7] http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.98.pdf [8] https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/ComputeAccountingRecord [9] http://forge.ggf.org/sf/docman/do/listDocuments/projects.rus-wg/docman.root.documents.rupi [10] https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/APEL/MessageFormat