EGI Champions - Periodic Teleconference

EGI Conference room (Science Park 140)

EGI Conference room

Science Park 140

Catherine Gater (EGI.EU)
The intent of this teleconference is to provide an opportunity for EGI Champions and the managers to freely discuss issues relevant to the scheme and to the growing cadre of Champions. All participants are invited to forward topics for discussion to Richard McLennan so that these can be added to the Agenda. The teleconference is scheduled for 1 hr and will be chaired by Cathering Gater. Agenda: 1050 - 1100: Log-in to Webex Welcome and context of meeting Agree Minutes of previous meeting. Progress of Actions. Items for discussion: - Administration (RMcL lead) * Processing of requests for travel: Approval and expense claims; reservations & bookings, receipts, guidance instructions. * Support material on Wiki and Web * New call for applications to the Champions scheme. - CF13 Manchester: * Activities for Champions * Keynote speaker theme - Champions * success stories so far * issues and problems * Services to promote: AppDB, Training MarketPlace (TMP) AOB Closing remarks and DONM End of teleconf Expected attendance: for EGI: Catherine Gater, Neasan O'Neill, Tiziana Ferrari, Peter Solagna, Michel Drescher, Richard McLennan, For Champions (via Webex): Ashiq Anjum, Eleni Katragkou, Mark Santcroos (invited to EGI Conf Room), Silvio Pardi, Stella Arnaouti, Tomas Kulhanek. Webex connection details are: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to 2. If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 30326451 To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: To join the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call-in toll number (UK): +44-20-310-64804 Backup call-in toll number (US/Canada)*: 1-408-792-6300 Global call-in numbers: Attendee access code: 303 264 51
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