LRZ, as a part of the German National Grid Initiative NGI-DE, have implemented three BDII information providers for Globus products (the services GRAM5, GridFTP and GSISSH), based around the GLUE schema version 2.0. The information published for each of these (which is not an exhaustive list, but the most important fields) includes: GRAM5 (similar to CreamCE): - status of service (health state = running/unknown) - service quality level (production/testing) - endpoint URL (hostname:port) - GRAM5 version number - computing manager (= jobmanager, e.g. slurm) - VOs supported - queues per VO - Endpoint issuer CA GridFTP (similar to dCache): - status of service (health state = running/unknown) - service quality level (production/testing) - GridFTP server version number - endpoint URL (hostname:port) - VOs supported - Endpoint issuer CA GSISSH (similar to VOBOX): - status of service (health state = running/unknown) - service quality level (production/testing) - GSISSH server version number - endpoint URL (hostname:port) - VOs supported - Endpoint issuer CA These information providers are now packaged by IGE. They are currently certified and will be released with the next IGE release 3.2 at the end of March.