VT-CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) - F2F meeting 5

room 2.219 (University of Manchester)

room 2.219

University of Manchester

This is a face-to-face meeting of the 'Technology Study for CTA' EGI Virtual Team project: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/VT_Technology_study_for_CTA.
The face to face meeting is co-located with EGI CF 13 which takes place at the University of Manchester.
This face to face meeting marks the end of the first half of the CTA VT (7 April 2013).
The key topic of the meeting is the status of the CTA SGs and SSO requirements document, to check its completeness and the necessary actions to do in order to have it complete.
A new version of the document produced on the basis of new requirements provided by the CTA members of the VT will be issued during the first week of April.
Only after the completion of the requirements document with a full picture of the end users needs, activities of task 3 will be planned (the mapping of requirements to existing solutions).
Claudio Vuerli will chair the meeting with support by Gergely Sipos and Richard McLennan (EGI.eu).
It will be possible to participate remotely to the meeting via webex. The webex connection details are at the foot of this page. Please also ensure you have read all the included briefing material (if there is any, it is linked to the bottom of the agenda page).

1. Welcome and acknowledge all participants - apologies received - note any absent members
2. Introduction by Chair with outline of aims of this meeting
3. Acceptance of previous Minutes
4. Review of assigned actions & task progress reports
      a. Task 1 (Claudio) / Actions: 1.2, 2.1 and 3.1
      b. Task 2 (Nadine) / Actions: 1.4, 4.1 – 4.6
      c. Task 3 (Gergely)
      d. Other actions / Actions: 3.2 and 3.3
5. Items for discussion
Taking advantage of the F2F meeting, people can exchange information, ideas and suggestions on topics listed below. The presentation (at the end of the page) on the CTA VT will be shown during the discussion
      a. The user requirements gathering process
      b. The identity federation for CTA
      c. The SSO authentication system
      d. The Science Gateways
      e. Others
6. Next steps and strategy for the second half of the CTA VT
At the end of the first half of the CTA VT (7th April 2013), the VT roadmap (objectives, deliveries, milestones) is revised; the strategy for the second half is then discussed and agreed.
7. Details of next meeting date, time, purpose
8. AOB

Useful links

a. The Wiki page of the CTA VT project
b. The spreadsheet file collecting information on the CTA VT members
c. The clustering of the CTA VT members by country and by activity within the VT

Instructions to connect remotely via WebEx

The meeting will be available also through the Webex system. Please test your computer using Webex in advance of the meeting (note there is limited or no compatibility with Mac OS and or Linux/Ubuntu).

To join the teleconference from a computer (free of charge)
1. Click here to access the WebEx meeting
2. Click on the "Join" link when it is available
3. If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 1004

To connect the meeting from a phone (non-free)
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
+44-203-478-5289 UK Domestic Toll
Access code: 232 156 167

Meeting Number: 232 156 167
Meeting password: 1004
CTA VT presentation
The agenda of this meeting is empty