9:00 AM
Overview of IDGF infrastructure and its integration into the EGI infrastructure
Jozsef Kovacs
9:00 AM
WRF4SG: SCI-BUS gateway for meteorological research community
Carlos Blanco
(University of Cantabria)
9:00 AM
Identification of model parameters in cloud deployed simulation service
Tomas Kulhanek
9:00 AM
Lightweight distributed system with Grid authentication
Emanouil Atanassov
Todor Gurov
9:00 AM
Pilot Initiative for a Scientific Cloud (PISC)
Emanouil Atanassov
9:00 AM
A Voyage to Arcturus
Mark tomas Mitchell
9:00 AM
Moving away from ETICS... to Jenkins, or how I learned to stop worrying and replace ETICS with a 300-line script
Zdenek Sustr
9:00 AM
Running jobs in the Vacuum
Andrew McNab
9:00 AM
Connecting PIC Tier-1 into the network of the future
Fernando López
9:00 AM
Future of Clouds? Accreditation and building the trust.
Robert Lovas
9:00 AM
AEGIS CMPC Scientific Gateway
Antun Balaz
(Institute of Physics Belgrade)
Dusan Vudragovic
(Institute of Physics Belgrade)
9:00 AM
Science gateways at various levels of granularity for diverse user communities
Tamas Kiss
(University of Westminster, London, UK)
9:00 AM
User communities adapting the SCI-BUS gateway technology
Zoltan Farkas
9:00 AM
Advantages of adopting late-binding techniques through standardised interfaces for workflow managers.
Manuel Aurelio Rodriguez-Pascual
Rafael Mayo-Garcia
9:00 AM
HELIOGate, A work-flow based portal for Heliophysics
Gabriele Pierantoni
(Trinity College Dublin)
9:00 AM
Distributed databases to study human mobility through social networks
Antonia Tugores
9:00 AM
France-Grilles DIRAC service
Vanessa Hamar
9:00 AM
Setting up a log centralization infrastructure
Bruno Rodriguez
Jose Flix
9:00 AM
Integrating and testing SLURM in EMI-3 cream-CE
Alvaro Simon
Bruno Rodriguez
(Port d'Informació Científica)
Carles Acosta
(Port d'Informació Científica)
Enol Fernandez
Esteban Freire Garcia
Goncalo Borges
Joao Pina
Josep Flix
(Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
9:00 AM
Making EGI software visible to the world with Google and Applications Database
Alexander Nakos
Marios Chatziangelou
9:00 AM
Towards an Agile Infrastructure: IFCA experience
Alvaro Lopez Garcia
Pablo Orviz
9:00 AM
Comparison of LFC and DFC for the VO auger Usage
Jiri Chudoba
(CESNET and Institute of Physics of the AS CR)
9:00 AM
Integrating cloud computing within an existing infrastructure
Alvaro Lopez Garcia
Pablo Orviz
9:00 AM
Massive Open Online Course on Grid Computing
Coen Schrijvers