1. EGI resource centres would benefit from support for the development and implementation of data management policies for hosting data for scientific projects (for both open and restricted access data). What processes, policies and tools should EGI provide for its resource centres to help them setup and implement sustainable data management plans?
2. Several use cases require a permanent identifier (PID) infrastructure to make data accessible in the long term. What PID infrastructure(s) and in what form should EGI support on its production infrastructure?
3. The Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD) of EGI includes the software components that are common to all user communities and are therefore deployed on every site of the production infrastructure. What new software should be included in the UMD to support resource centres serving cross cutting needs? (For example data ingestion endpoint, archival storage, data management, data administration, preservation planning, access) Should the UMD be made larger, or rather smaller leaving more space for community specific solutions deployed e.g. in the form of virtual appliances via OCCI?
4. EUDAT develops and provides a set of services that serve various scientific use cases. Which EUDAT services and how should be adopted in EGI?
5. Many of the emerging scientific use cases require the integration of domain-specific software from external providers into EGI’s production infrastructure. How can EGI operate an efficient and scalable software integration process to enable the rapid injection of new software into the production infrastructure?
Panel members:
- Matthias Hemmje - Digital preservation, Chair of Multimedia and Internet Applications, University of Hagen (potential new technology provider)
- Alexandre Bonvin - WeNRM community (scientific user community)
- Jesus Marco de Lucas - LifeWatch community (scientific user community)
- Michel Dresher - DCH-RP (scientific user community)
- Horst Schwichtenberg - VERCE (scientific user community) (Waiting for confirmation)