Minutes ======= Administrative -------------- - Apologies: Małgorzata Krakowian David Wallom Emir Imamagic Sven Gabriel Peter Solagna - Pariticipants: Boris Parak Michel Drescher Miroslav Ruda Björn Hagemeier Carlos (BIFI) Daniele Lezzi (BSC) Diego Scardaci Esteban Freire (CESGA) Feyza Eryol (NGI_TR) Ivan Diaz Alvarez Jens Jenson (STFC) Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET) Linda Conwall Luis Alves (CSC - Finland) Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA) Miguel Caballer (UPV) Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG) RubEn (BIFI) Salvatore Pinto Stefano Nicotri (INFN BARI) Stuart Pullinger (STFC/APEL) Viet Tran (IISAS) - Welcome new members Miguel Caballer (UPV) - Minutes and actions of last meeting No comments, approved! Capability workgroup status reports ----------------------------------- - VM Management - Boris Parak * New rOCCI server version with bugfixes and small updates has been released. RPs have been notfied. * New version of rOCCI client also released, no major changes. * Work on additional backends, still a few weeks off to show something. * Contextualization support (extensions by Enol et al.) available in rOCCI server for OpenStack / OpenNebula backends (i.e. provisioning of public keys / user data) * Standardisation progress for contextualization in OCCI: agreement in working group to support contextualization in OCCI v1.2, but no real progress in the effort * Diego: Images with contextualization support for both OpenStack and OpenNebula currently not available. Boris and Salvatore are working on them. Images will be available through AppDB, hopefully next week. Another problem is that the images in FedCloud image lists in AppDB are not yet properly distributed to all RPs. For that vmcatcher has to be set up at all sites. - Data Management - Ilja Liverson Ilja not on the call Jens Jensen: * Build problems with stoxy. Jens will contact fedcloud-devel list and document build process once the problems are resolved. Work on getting CDMI to work on top of dcache 2.9 (I hope I got that right!) - Accounting - Stuart Pullinger * Some progress with including VO information, will report to list. * Including VO information will be mandatory by next technical forum. Needs to be deployed at RPs beforehand. * There are problems with connections to the message broker (started on Monday morning), so delays with publishing the accounting information occur. Problems should be resolved soon. - Monitoring - Emir Imamagic Emir not on the call. Updates from mailing list: "- Marios provided a probe for appdb workflow. I will add it to cloudmon manually for testing purposes, but for production we need to add a service endpoint to the gocdb. - CDMI probe testing is still ongoing, I should have some green endpoints by the next meeting." - Information Discovery - Peter Solagna Peter not on the call Savalatore: * Only half of the certified sites are publishing BDII information correctly currently. * Mechanisms for automating the publishing of BDII information will be discussed. Until these are available information has to be published manually using the provided script. - federated AAI - Paul Millar Paul was not on the call - VM Image Management - Marios Chatziangelou * Notification mechanism for VO managers was implemented: users can request publishing of virtual appliances to be included into image lists for a VO. Extensions of this mechanism like exclusions of images (i.e when bugs are found) were also implemented. Dokumentation of this feature set is available here: https://wiki.appdb.egi.eu/main:guides:notify_virtual_organization_representatives * Probe to test AppDB workflow was implemented (see monitoring section). * eduGAIN support is currently being tested. * Need a new probe targeting vmcatcher functionality that verifies that images listed in AppDB are really available at RPs. Timetable for the availability of this probe currently unknown but discussions are in progress so it is hoped view will be more clear next week. - Brokering - Ivan Diaz No news - SLA and Business Models - David Blundell David was not on the call EGI Operations -------------- - Operational Status and Issues - Malgorzata Krakowian Malgorzata was not on the call - Operational Security - Sven Gabriel Sven was not on the call Linda: * Questionnaire for sites has been turned into a survey. Not completely polished up yet. Hope to have it done next week and then publish it. 18 questions for sites in survey. * Technology provider questionnaire: currently no filled out examples available. Good candidates might be: . CESNET (developer of rOCCI) . Representatives from the deployed cloud management frameworks * Separation between RPs and TPs can be a bit blurry due to multiple roles of some RPs (i.e. development of some scripts, glue code for FedCloud infrastructure) * Information is needed on what software is deployed at sites together with contact information, so the mainteners of the software can be reached for vulnerability handling, policy enforcement and assurance of continued maintenance. Michel: * Differences between cloud and grid exist regarding security workflows. * Site admins / site CSIRT should be responsible for mitigation of security flaws, so only the security contact of a site is necessary from federation point of view. * EGI CSIRT should only coordinate and monitor sites to ensure vulnerabilities were fixed by local CSIRT. ACTION on David and Michel: Initiate focussed discussion with security team, executive board and operative people on terms of scoping the boundaries between the EGI CSIRT team and local CSIRT teams at sites - User Community engagement - New User communities - Gergely Sipos Gergely was not on the call Diego: Use cases: - Next Generation Sequencing: first real analysis executed on the GWDG site. Konrad, the PI, is using now a new machine with 24 cores and 128 GB of RAM. He was able to attach a 3TB of storage to the machine. I contacted the EGI.eu communication team to advertise this interesting use case. Sara Coelho is already in contact with Konrad. We are still looking for new site able to support this use case (until now only CESNET is volunteer). I think this is a very good use case to demonstrate the capabilities of a federated cloud so I invite again sites (able to support this use case) to give their availability. Process to create production VO is started. New use cases: - physiome project: identify parameters of models of human physiology. PI is Tomáš Kulhánek Faculty of Medicine, Charles Univerzity in Prague, Czech Republic (see https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/FedCloudPhysiome for more details and requirements). We are currently looking for FedCloud RPs willing to support this use case. CESNET already gave its availability. - Christian Fischer from the Department of Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling is a department of Friedrich Schiller University Jena. His research focus is environmental modelling and particulary hydrological modelling. In this field they have been working for more than 20 years in all parts of the world. They developed the Jena Adaptable Modelling System (JAMS). JAMS is an java-based, open-source software platform that has been especially designed to address the demands of a process-based hydrological model development and various aspects of model application. They already added JAMS to the appdb: https://appdb.egi.eu/store/software/jams . Sites selected to support the use case: * INFN Bari, 16 CPU, 32GB of ram and 80 GB of disk * another site to be identified - Dr Mark Stillwell from the Cranfield university (UK). He researchs and teachs on issues in distributed computing, particularly cloud and grid computing. In connection with these activities he'd like to access the system to try it out and do some evaluation. He is also planning on developing some grid-enabled vm images later on this summer so that his students can get some more hands-on training with this software. Requirements: 16 single-core VMs w/ 2G ram and ~20G disk space. Sites to be identified - FTK institute in dortmund, a Research Institute for Telecommunication and Cooperation (http://www.ftk.de/en/homepage). We had the first meeting with the community last week. I'll come back soon to the FedCloud with the use case requirements. I'll provide them with the instruction to access the fedcloud soon. Workflow to support users: UCST started to use the new workflow to support the users presented to the FedCloud last week. This workflow is allowing us to support user in am "agile" mode. We are using the FedCloud VO as catch-all VO. All the FedCloud sites should host the base VMs containing only the OS and the contextualisation tools. Salvatore Pinto is finalizing these VMs. * Michel: distill new technical requirements from user communities, new use cases - Technical issues & requirements - Diego Scardacci, Nuno Ferreira et al. - Special Items * Björn: FZJ site was certfied, soft production currently as some small issues remain open; Björn won't be available for next 5-6 weeks - AOB Chat ---- kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):I would suggest to discuss the issues in fedcloud-dev kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):list kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):yes call 0800-Michel Michel Drescher::-) Jens Jensen (STFC)::-) kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):I have a java expert that worked on our CDMI implementation pls send me in an e-mail the issues you have and I'll ask him to help Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA):https://wiki.appdb.egi.eu/main:guides:notify_virtual_organization_representatives Stuart Pullinger (STFC/APEL):Sorry - I have to leave. I will post more info on the accounting delay to the list. kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):sorry guys can we take this offline ? kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):each reasonable resource provider should have its own CSIRT team kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):i know GRNET has one kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):your role is only coordination kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):you should think ahead in a more loosly couple type of federation kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):can we have this request summarised somewhere please Jens Jensen (STFC):... I just lost audio?? kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):its still on kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):diego and michel discuss about user support Jens Jensen (STFC):Restarted - OK now Jens Jensen (STFC):Ta Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA):nope kostas Koumantaros (GRNET):you should be paying for the extra time :P