EGI FedCloud meeting, 2014-07-01 Meeting category Meeting id ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attending as of 10.05 BST (11.05 CEST) Andre, Arad, Boro, Carlos, Jens (mins), Joao, Luis, Marios, Miguel, Salvatore, Stuart, David (chair), Michel, Miroslav, Boris, Ivan. Apologies received by chair: Costas, Diego, Daniele, Emir, David B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Administrative - Apologies - see above. - Welcome new members - LIP The chair welcomed LIP as a new participant. Will be providing OpenStack with OCCI. No user community yet. Aiming for certification. - Minutes and actions of last meeting Minutes accepted. ACTION Michel: Organise teleconference on Security: "ongoing" (aka "no news") ACTION OWEN to draft the probe design plan: update, see below ACTION EMIR to request proper service types for vmcaster and vmcatcher probes (depends on prev. action) ACTION EMIR & KOSTAS to get the CDMI probe running with Okeanos: update, see below ACTION EMIR to expand probe coverage on other providers once working with Okeanos (depends on prev. action) ACTION PETER to supply names of the other group in OGF to leverage synergies: poll for date created, ongoing. ACTION Information Discovery WG to determine the use cases for information being included in the BDII published data: no news. ACTION David & Malgorzata to harmonise FitSM template with is template: expected to be completed within 2 wks. ACTION PAUL MILLAR (fed. AAI) to work with Malgorzata to check on the authorisation aspect of PROC14: no news. ACTION on Scenario leaders to support Malgorzata in linking relevant Cloud : ongoing. - Moving to Production - status reports - VM Management - Boris Parak Mostly done: compute, storage, network. However, need VMWare licences. CESNET have VMWare. ACTION Boris: figure out what sort of VMWare stuff they need and inform DavidW. ACTION DavidW: contact VMWare (depends on previous action) re licence negotiation. Also, need to work on Keystone, so need a site with Keystone willing to provide access. Jülich might be an option; see also an offer in the chatlog. - Data Management - Iija Liverson No news. Needs new owner. - Accounting - Stuart Pullinger Receiving VO info. Need to upload changes back to github. Already have different sites with different cloud platforms sending information. Will send instructions to list on how to configure/setup locally with VO/SSL. Boris expected to send update for OpenNebula "in a matter of days" Still more work needed on group/role but what we have now is a good start. - Monitoring - Emir Imamagic Emir sent an update to the chair (not the list) with information about progress on tuning the probe and vmcaster/vmcatcher. - Information Discovery - Peter Solagna Salvatore: no news. - federated AAI - Paul Millar No news. - VM image Management - Marios Chatziangelou Not much progress on fed app db, but it joined eduGain as an SP, and now liaising to use EBI/EMBL IdP. Currently signing images with certificate from obsolete CA (retired from IGTF); got new certificate from a current CA and will be re-signing images as of tomorrow. Organised meeting to discuss vmcaster/vmcatcher. Owen reports updated documentation, documenting hitherto undocumented features. - Brokering - Ivan Diaz Provided brokering tool to install with updated/improved documentation. Will be asking others to review/contribute to documentation. - SLA and Business Models - David Blundell No news. - Certification status - Operational Status and Issues - Malgorzata Krakowian No news. - User Community news Salvatore - Helix Nebula used with INFN-BARI. Working but expecting to need another week to sort out some issues. Laurence has got CERN engaged, and the cloud is seeing both CMS and LHCb jobs, particularly CMS. ACTION Salvatore to contact Laurence regarding interfacing with H/N for WLCG jobs. - Special Items None - AOB Jens reports a writeup of build problems with Stoxy, not a Stoxy problem but bugs in the python build tools. Written up (URL in chat log). Jens knows Perl, so cannot know python (no one can know both), so requests help from the pythonistas. Also contacted dCache (well, Paul) re support for CDMI in dCache, but no response yet - Paul is probably on hols. Roksana - need description of metrics. ACTION DavidW to follow up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- CURRENT ACTIONS/STATUS -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION Michel: Organise teleconference on Security: "ongoing" (aka "no news") ACTION OWEN to draft the probe design plan: update, see below ACTION EMIR to request proper service types for vmcaster and vmcatcher probes (depends on prev. action) ACTION EMIR & KOSTAS to get the CDMI probe running with Okeanos: update, see below ACTION EMIR to expand probe coverage on other providers once working with Okeanos (depends on prev. action) ACTION PETER to supply names of the other group in OGF to leverage synergies: poll for date created, ongoing. ACTION Information Discovery WG to determine the use cases for information being included in the BDII published data: no news. ACTION David & Malgorzata to harmonise FitSM template with is template: expected to be completed within 2 wks. ACTION PAUL MILLAR (fed. AAI) to work with Malgorzata to check on the authorisation aspect of PROC14: no news. ACTION on Scenario leaders to support Malgorzata in linking relevant Cloud : ongoing. ACTION Boris: figure out what sort of VMWare stuff they need and inform DavidW. ACTION DavidW: contact VMWare (depends on previous action) re licence negotiation. ACTION Salvatore to contact Laurence regarding interfacing with H/N for WLCG jobs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- CHAT LOG -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michel Drescher:'s status before the review tomorrow: Michel Drescher: enjoy! :-D Michel Drescher: *clap* *clap* Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): goodmorning Michel Drescher: Apologies for the noise , we have some building refurbishment going on - again :-| David Wallom: ok owen synge: yay -> flash install worked Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): we are available too Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): to support keystone testing Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): you are welcome Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): my microphone doesn' work :( Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): sorry David Wallom: ok Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): SEE-GRID Carlos (BIFI): BIFI is also available to support keystone testing Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): SEE-GRID 2013 Iván Díaz Álvarez: Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): I am sorry guys but i have to leave, another meeting in 5' David Wallom: ok Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): bye Jens Jensen (STFC): Michel Drescher:'s status before the review tomorrow: Michel Drescher: enjoy! :-D Michel Drescher: *clap* *clap* Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): goodmorning Michel Drescher: Apologies for the noise , we have some building refurbishment going on - again :-| David Wallom: ok owen synge: yay -> flash install worked Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): we are available too Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): to support keystone testing Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): you are welcome Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): my microphone doesn' work :( Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): sorry David Wallom: ok Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): SEE-GRID Carlos (BIFI): BIFI is also available to support keystone testing Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): SEE-GRID 2013 Iván Díaz Álvarez: Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): I am sorry guys but i have to leave, another meeting in 5' David Wallom: ok Marios Chatziangelou (AppDB/IASA): bye Jens Jensen (STFC): Andre Gemuend (SCAI): you can also generate spec files for rpms from pip files I think Andre Gemuend (SCAI): Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): bye Boro Jakimovski (NGI_MARGI): byue Luís Alves (CSC/NGI_FI): bye Iván Díaz Álvarez: bye