Webinar: Cloud-Init

Webex teleconference

Webex teleconference

Enol Fernandez (EGI.EU)

In this webinar, Enol Fernández will provide an overview of the contextualization of Virtual Machines (VMs) using Cloud-Init and related tools. Contextualization allows to prepare and customize a basic VM image with all the tools needed to run the user software.

This webinar is aimed at users of the EGI Federated Cloud infrastructure and NGI user support teams.

Participants will learn how to contextualize VMs to fit your computing needs, from the basic contextualizatio of adding credentials to access to the VM to more complex software setups for starting and managing services.

To join the Webinar meeting online
  1. Register for the Webinar (link below)

  2. On the day of the Webinar, please join the Webex meeting via the provided link : https://egi.webex.com/egi/j.php?MTID=m0be1a214e06591ad4195a05c5b97de36

The EGI Webinars

The EGI Webinars provide a forum where lecturers working in specialist fields relevant to the community are invited to deliver topical presentations via EGI's Webex.

The webinar will be recorded and a video will subsequently be made available via the EGI YouTube chanel.

A programme of EGI's future Webinar events can be found at: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/EGI_Webinar_Programme.

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