EGI CSIRT Face to Face meeting in Prague, CZ

nr CESNET (Prague)



Czech Republic
For logistics and video information see the EGI CSIRT private wiki. Timings and even the order of topics may change.
    • Session 1
      • 1
        Welcome, agenda agreement, note takers
      • 2
        EGI Federated Clouds and Security
        Setting the scene
        Speaker: Boris Parak (CESNET)
      • 3
        EGI Clouds discussion
      • 15:00
      • 4
        Back to EGI Federated Clouds
        Planning for January meeting
    • Session 2
      • 5
        Review agenda
      • 6
        Plans for ISGC 2015 training workshop
      • 7
        Security Service Challenges
        NGI/Site communication challenges. Argus/emergency suspension challenge. Federated Cloud challenge.
      • 10:30
      • 8
        Admin issues
        Action list and where to store them. EGI CSIRT Terms of Reference. How to count incidents and vulnerabilities handled. Can we measure our response time? Which video conferencing technology do we use in 2015? Support for other projects
    • 12:30
    • Session 3
      • 9
        Evolving security for the Long Tail of Science
        User registration. AAI. Traceability. Risks. LoA.
      • 10
        Security Monitoring
        Joint use of Pakiti - EGI CSIRT and WLCG middleware readiness. perfSONAR configuration
      • 15:30
      • 11
        Reports from sub-tasks
        Please report on activities in last 3 months and plans for next year. You have 15 minutes each. IRTF (Leif) Monitoring (Daniel) SSC (Sven) SVG (Linda) Central user suspension (Sven)
    • Session 4
      • 12
        Review agenda
      • 13
        Current ongoing vulnerabilities
      • 14
        Collaboration with other infrastructures
      • 10:30
      • 15
        CSIRT, incidents and the Press
        And article about unauthorised use
      • 16
        Security Policy changes
        Including: Sharing of incident information Changes to AUP Clouds LToS Requirements for isolation (pilot jobs and VMs)
      • 17
        Review decisions and actions
      • 18
        AOB and dates of next meetings