17 Feb 2015 Standing Agenda =============== - Administrative - Apologies : Quite a few Marios Chatziangelou, Christos Loverdos, Emir, Bjorn, - Welcome new members: Mischa Salle (TP for subproxies and AAI) - Minutes and actions of last meeting Approuved - Production - status reports and the week ahead - VM Management - Boris Parak - BP: Working on Azure backend for rOCCI, - EF: OCCI-OS no update - Data Management - Christos Loverdos -CL: Bjorn is working on OpenStack implementation, Request for a volunteer to continue this work as Bjorn is leaving for vacations. EF volunteers. and DW will contact 100% IT to see if they are interested. - Accounting - Stuart Pullinger - Monitoring - Emir Imamagic - Information Discovery - Peter Solagna - federated AAI - Paul Millar - VM image Management - Marios Chatziangelou - Brokering - Ivan Diaz -apologies from the above. - Security Team update - Linda Cornwall -SVG - SPG meeting next week you are invited to register. https://www.nikhef.nl/grid/meetings/spgsvg2015/ https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2444 - Operational Status and Issues - Malgorzata Krakowian MK: Reviewing https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC19 to update the procedure and documentation https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/MAN10, Boris and KK to open documentation tickets according to PROC19. - User Community news - Diego Scardaci - Chipster use case moved to production, INFN-BARI, CESNET and GRNET expressed interest to support. - DW would like to push CSC to support this use case in order to attract CSC resources to fedcloud. -LA: We actively pushing for our integration, working to solve the accounting issues. Had a major update recently. -DS: Gergely will organise a meeting with interested resource providers to verify how they can support the use cases. DW: Reports on the view outcome for egi inspire as excellent with special mention on the importance of fedcloud by the reviewers. AOB: OS: is anyone going to present something to HEPIX or LinuxTag -DW: yes I will be present as its just next door. -OS: encourages people to be involved with LinuxTag and present their Ops/User support procedures. (http://www.linuxtag.org/2014/) Action: DW Accounting meeting to be held (ongoing) Action: Inform fedcould about CDMI Client tools (closed) Daniele: new release, DW Jens and Daniele to base their clients on GRNET to CDMI reference implementation, Alloy is "iRODS++" and has a CDMI interface: https://bitbucket.org/archiveanalytics/alloy-ce Action Item DW: to change the item of the security to cover all the related subjects Action Item LC: To kick off Security Chalenge (ongoing) Action Item LC: send Advisory about openstack issue. (closed) Suggestion to cc advisories to fedcloud List, KK: Sites get this already though site security contacts no need to duplicate. Action All sites: to participate in the security challenge especially in the preparation phase. IFCA, CESNET and GWDG to Volunteer. Action Paul: to organise an AAI meeting (ongoing) Action Diego: To update the use case table (closed) DS: Already separated use cases according to status (production, development etc.) Action Ops: to use e-grant to request resource allocation (ongoing) Action DW: Blue Print (ongoing) Action DW: Review Documentation on the wiki (ongoing) Action LC: To circulate the agenda of the security meetings proposed (new) Action LC: To try to provide VC facilities for the meetings proposed. Chat Transcript The chat history has been cleared Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): and remain silent Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): yes master Linda Cornwall(STFC): I haven't got the microphone symbol, I'll disconnect and try again Diego Scardaci: morning Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): I don't have one eitehr Mischa Sallé (Nikhef): Neither do I... ? Diego Scardaci: you should give the mic rights to the participants Linda Cornwall(STFC): I still don't Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): Good morning! owen synge (Hamburg): me niether Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): if the master does not gives us right we wont have Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): Now it appeared :) owen synge (Hamburg): no microphone Boris Parák: here you go :) owen synge (Hamburg): me too Daniele Lezzi (BSC): hi all Carlos (BIFI): Good Morning Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): which is the trendy BBC radio this days Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): 6 ? owen synge (Hamburg): I think 67 music is popular -> I mostly listen to 4 or my music collection owen synge (Hamburg): but the very British inventred everythign , saved the world perspective of the BBC does anoyme some times Mischa Sallé (Nikhef): I'm kind of new (-; Jens Jensen (STFC): Hi Mischa owen synge (Hamburg): Mischa has been a secuirity expert for many years -> and I thnak him for his recomendations on vmcatcher long before it was in the fed cloud Mischa Sallé (Nikhef): Hi Jens, Owen, others! Viet Tran (IISAS): Good morning, sorry for being later. Luís Alves (CSC/NGI_FI): sorry for being late Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): radio meeting ? Jens Jensen (STFC): Alloy is "iRODS++" and has a CDMI interface: https://bitbucket.org/archiveanalytics/alloy-ce Jens Jensen (STFC): I was planning to run it and see Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): what are the other 2 sites ? Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): IFCA and CESNET Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): sorry Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): my microphone is not working...I'm in contact with Stuart Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): waiting for his feedback owen synge (Hamburg): nothign from my side Linda Cornwall(STFC): https://www.nikhef.nl/grid/meetings/spgsvg2015/ Linda Cornwall(STFC): https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2444 Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): she is inconginto today Krakowian: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC19 Krakowian: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/MAN10 Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): yes Boris Parák: ok Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): why do we need a ticket ? Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): I would suggest you finish with openstack and kick it off next week Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): I don't think OS will be finished in one week Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): ok owen synge (Hamburg): This OS is never finsihed :) I do find it funny that people might call Open Stack OS Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): ye OS not owen owen synge (Hamburg): /me simpelks I thought soem one had said Owen owen synge (Hamburg): /me was joking in chat Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): enol is thinking about it Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): I can do tests, but I don't have a real swift implementation Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): the idea is you implement the backend for the cdmi reference implementation we havre Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): ok, count with me but we should have a real site also Boris Parák: you scared me for a moment :D\ Diego Scardaci: :D Christos KK Loverdos (GRNET): OK thank you! Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): Please open issues in the integration software for anything you may find Luís Alves (CSC/NGI_FI): yes, I'll do that Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): it would be nice if we colelct all the technical doc to support each use case somewhere (i.e resources needed, vo etc) Luís Alves (CSC/NGI_FI): I'll try to create some documentation Boris Parák: thank you :) Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): its ops related Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): not user support Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): GRNET is usually active in Ganeti related call Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET): confs owen synge (Hamburg): http://www.linuxtag.org/2014/ Carlos (BIFI): bye Luís Alves (CSC/NGI_FI): bye Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu/CSIC): bye! Mariya Durchova: bye Krakowian: bye Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): bye Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): bye RubEn (CESGA): Bye Miguel Diaz (CETA-CIEMAT): bye