24 February 2015 11:24 Apologies: Kostas Iván Díaz Viet Christos KK Loverdos Stuart Marios Chatziangelou *new members* no new members. *minutes and actions from last meeting* accounting probes to be reported next week. daniela -> update on cdmi -> no new news, have tested KITH blocked as not involved in development activity. Boris and Sven are building a security challenge. *Production round tables* * VM management Brois : Critical issues about azure library for ruby Boris: rewriting the wiki for VM Management Scenario * Accounting: John Gordon : Going through site upgrades to accounting scripts. Not going to name sites today that have not upgraded yet. John Gordon: It would be useful for the accounting record to contain information on the software (and version) used to generate it. This will help identify sites who need to upgrade as well as diagnose bugs in the software. Michel : Please give time line for updating the record. John Gordon : We are currently in the process of implementing the changes agreed at the F2F and planning a solution for assigning usage across months. The change discussed today would be in a future release and a proposal will be circulated. The OGF UR v2 defines a field for this. Luís Alves: provided an example: Enol Fernandez: There is the CloudType field could be used for that, no? Enol Fernandez: e.g. CloudType = OpenStack-cASO-0.2 Emir : Could add to the BDII which accounting scripts could be published. Enol Fernandez: adding that in BDII at the moment is probably a manual thing John Gordon: desires this to be done with accounting record. action: John *Monitoring* Emir : no significant progress to report. Extention testing of OCCI, vmcatcher update. Releasing a new version of ARGO framework. action: provide a list of features for next Tuesday. Will have a special item next week. *Information discovery* Peter : No great progress. *AAI* Paul : per user subproxy extention documentation is being developed and encourages people to review. Paul : motivation is to make accounting more fine grained and since it will have to be implemented by all software providers. Mischa Sallé: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Fedcloud-tf:WorkGroups:Federated_AAI:per-user_sub-proxy Action on technology providers to read thsi document (in the wiki) ideally this week. *VM image management* new release developed for hepixvmitrust fixing excessive memory use with large files. Not yet released due to build system issues. *Brokering* Apologies. *Intra cloud networking* Apologies. *Federated cloud security* Linda: SVG meeting and SPG meeting. 9 and 6 people registered respectively. More cloud people would be good. SPG SVG registration - https://www.nikhef.nl/grid/meetings/spgsvg2015/ https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2444 https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2453 Linda: can remote participate and would be good for more cloud people. *Operational Status and Issues* Apologies. *User community news* Diego : New user case from American commercial project. Also request to use cloud, by Spanish group wanting to use google earth based related. Chopster use case is moving to production. Dream use case is progressing, with windows contextulisation on open stack, this is being upstreamed to open stack. Cloud watch conference is coming up and would like ideas for what to demo on our dedicated slot. Michel: Requests some one to be a face for the fed cloud. Some expenses can be provided Michel: Can we use the Ganneti system for windows contextulisation? Diego : Further work is needed here. Michel: Please use Egrant so we can test it before going to end users. Can Piotr Jerome please look into publish resources via egrant? Piotr: In principle we can do this. Jerome: Yes we will try. Special Items: - GEANT cloud catalog: Peters talk: how can we participate? it is not federated and has no market place. just a catalog where resources can be browsed. well defined list of requirements. - self evaluated matching the requirements. - 29 requirements. - Must be [eered with GEANT network. Scope - Wide scope. * as a service. EGI federated cloud. - Proposal: - Publish as a single entity. - Since fed cloud will be lowest common denominator in some areas, individual cloud providers bay fulfill more requirements, so recommend to sites to register independently. - Process - EGI to make initial proposal. - Will seek feedback from fed cloud mailing list. - Will finally be reviewed by management of EGI - Submit to GEANT. Owen : Can we increase our score by adding operational details? Peter: We will publish extra details. Owen : Can we automate submission? Peter : No sure if this is easy or relevant, but suggest sites reuse wheat EGI provides. Michel: Are we going to be disadvantaged by submitting as a federation? Will we loose much in the scoring? Peter: Some issues as was not designed for federation, but it does not look too be an issue. We will probably be less well scored bug not significantly. Frequency of updates. - Published once a year. AOB: Owen: Monitoring of open stack? Michel: take off line.