The EGI Software Vulnerability Group (SVG) Face to Face meeting

H 3.20 (nikhef)

H 3.20


This is adjacent to the EGI SPG meeting, which will take place on 4-5th March. Details including registration are available at:

Registation IS required, and includes the option for either on-site or remote. Remote access details are also available.

Main objective is to discuss how to update the EGI SVG issue handling to take account of the evolving infrastructure and situation. Issue handling procedure last underwent major revision at the start of EGI in late 2010, and was very geared to Grid middleware. In recent months there have been a wider range of vulnerabilities which are relevant to the EGI infrastructure.Th  

Most sessions will comprise of a short presentation followed by a discussion. The majority of the time is planned to be spent on discussion and finding solutions rather than on presentations.