10–13 Nov 2015
Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone


Tutorial: Programming Distributed Computing Platforms with COMPSs

11 Nov 2015, 16:00
Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Via G. Capruzzi, 326 70124 Bari Italy


Tutorial: Programming Distributed Computing Platforms with COMPSs

  • Daniele Lezzi (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)


In the tutorial, the syntax, programming methodology and an overview of the COMPSs runtime internals will be given. The attendees will get a first lesson about programming with COMPSs that will enable them to start programming with this framework. The attendees will analyze several examples of COMPSs programming model and will be able to develop simple COMPSs applications and to run them in the EGI Federated Cloud testbed.

- Bring your own laptop
- (optional)Virtualbox with COMPSs image installed to run local examples
* Introduction to COMPSs and the integration with the EGI Fed Cloud (15’)
* Presentation of COMPSs applications in Java and Python (30’)
- Examples of code from real science use cases (bioinformatics, astrophysics, etc)
- Examples of benchmarks in Pyhton (KMeans, Word count)
* Hands on using the virtual machine (75’)
- Access to the VM
- Configuration of the COMPSs runtime
- Upload of demo data to the storage
- Execution of the applications
- Monitoring, debugging and tracing
* Final notes

Presentation materials

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