# FedCloud meeting 9nd June 2015 # Apologies Carlos G. Marios C. Christos L. Sven G. David W. Luis A. Viet T. Emir I. Daniele L. Stuart P. Jens J. # Participants Alvaro L. Björn H. Boris P. Catalin C. Diego S. Jerome P. Malgorzata K. Mischa S. Miroslav R. Paul M. Peter S Piotr K. Vincent B. Vincenzo S. Zdenek S. # New members Catalin Condurache (RAL): will integrate OpenNebula cloud in FedCloud, idea to have a prototype during summer. Already resources in production. # Actions from last meeting Wiki review by scenario leaders -> pending Emir to check CDMI probe status -> pending (Björn confirmed no contact to them so far) # Reports ## VM Management (Boris) - Resizing should be easy, already commented in the standard. - Snapshots will require different document - still going over notes from Lisbon, will start opening RT tickets this week ## Data Management: N/A ## Accounting: N/A ## Monitoring: N/A ## Information Discovery (Peter): - public comment phase in Glue2, still there probably more comments coming up (Brazil, US) ## Federated AAI (Paul): - no immediate news, initial contact with AARC project ## VM image Management (Vincenzo) - Finalising a presentation on this. Will present it in following meetings - Enol still documenting the process for the creation of images ## Brokering (Enol) - no news ## Intra Cloud networking (Boris): Working on INDIGO, designing in such a way that the work is applicable to FedCloud. ## Federated Cloud Security (Vincent): - no news ## Operational Status and Issues (Mal): - PROC19 progressing for OpenStack and OpenNebula, will start with Synnefo - MAN10 with info for OpenNebula and OpenStack. Request to check the manual, if no one available will be tested with new providers ## User Community news (Diego): - working on the training setup, now creating the VO. Sites willing to join, write to Diego or Enol. Students will not have direct access to the VO, but through a robot + PUSP - First meeting with MoBrain CC to understand requirements ## AoB integration activities going on with NeCTAR (Australia), IHEP (China), FogBow (EUBrazil Connect), Harness. # Chat transcript: Catalin Condurache - RAL: good morning! has the meeting started? Catalin Condurache - RAL: i cannot hear anything Jerome Pansanel (IPHC, NGI_FR): good morning Enol Fernández: good morning we are starting in a couple of minutes Catalin Condurache - RAL: OK Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): Good morning Catalin Condurache - RAL: Hi Björn Hagemeier: Good morning everyone! Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): Good morning! Zdeněk Šustr: I'm here after all, but I will have to leave in about 15 mins. Björn Hagemeier: BArely Catalin Condurache - RAL: i'will change my mic, sorry Alvaro Lopez (CSIC): speaking or scuba diving Alvaro Lopez (CSIC): :o) Björn Hagemeier: :) Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): @Catalin: can you hear us ? Catalin Condurache - RAL: nope Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): we can hear you Björn Hagemeier: We can hera you better now. Alvaro Lopez (CSIC): we can hear you Enol Fernández: do you have a timeline for the integration? Enol Fernández: ok. Thanks Enol Fernández: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Federated_Cloud_Task_Force#FedCloud_work_groups Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Dashboards/5805/FedCloud%20requirements Diego Scardaci: the link doesn't work for me Krakowian Małgorzata: for me as well :( Björn Hagemeier: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8730 Krakowian Małgorzata: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Dashboards/4121/Federated%20Clouds ? Zdeněk Šustr: Sorry, I have to go. But I've trained Boris to say two sentences about the networking scenario if it comes to that :-) Enol Fernández: flavors ticket: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8768 Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8771 Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8772 Björn Hagemeier: Unfortunately, I need to leave early today. There's no news from my side or FZJ. Alvaro Lopez (CSIC): thanks boris Krakowian Małgorzata: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/MAN10 Catalin Condurache - RAL: I am following the ONe instructions and found few minor missings. I'll send them by email Krakowian Małgorzata: please sent them to operations-support@mailman.egi.eu Boris Parák: Ok, here is the IntraCloud Networking Scenario wiki page -- https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Federated_Cloud_IntraCloud_Networking -- unfortunately still mostly empty, we will fix that ASAP Catalin Condurache - RAL: bye N/A