# FedCloud meeting 16th June 2015 # Apologies Mischa S. Viet T. Diego S. Björn B. David W. Sven G. Marios C. Jerome P. Peter S. # Participants Alvaro L. Boris P. Carlos G. Catalin C. Emir I. John G. Kostas K. Linda C. Luis A. Malgorzata K. Marica A. Miguel D. Paul M. Piotr K. Vincent B. Vincenzo S. Zdenek S. # New members No new members # Actions from last meeting Wiki review by scenario leaders -> pending Emir to check CDMI probe status -> still pending # Ticket review Commented tickets with new info by Boris, See tickets in RT for information and new actions below. # Reports ## VM Management (Boris) - rOCCI bug fixing - planning next release - new OCCI implementation for OpenStack now added to the OS continuous integration platform (using external API) - plans to migrate Keystone-VOMS to V3 - plan to implement missing features of OCCI in Synnefo (may look into the new OCCI implementation) —> discussion offline w/Alvaro ## Data Management: N/A ## Accounting (John) - making progress for the updated accounting record will contact Boris and Alvaro when ready ## Monitoring (Emir): - D. Groep provided info for the CA probe - no progress on CDMI probe ## Information Discovery N/A ## Federated AAI (Paul): - in touch w/AARC for defining requirements, will send a survey to fedcloud communities. - contact w/ Enol + Diego to start this ## VM image Management N/A ## Brokering (Enol) - no news ## Intra Cloud networking (Zdenek): - wiki updated, waiting for INDIGO development. ## Federated Cloud Security (Linda): - no news - action to add Enol to the appropriate lists or to handle information to join Monday meeting # VMI Endoresment presentation by Vincenzo EF: Who will be responsible for being aware of security issues? -> Linda, it should be the creator ## Operational Status and Issues (Mal): - clearing wiki pages - looking at the certification of OpenStack / OpenNebula JG: response to some tickets? Mal to check JG: issues with OS publishing -> Enol to check ## User Community news (Diego by mail): * INSTRUCT/Scipion use case (from MOBRAIN CC): assessment meeting last week. Agreed to start with a minimal setup to test Scipion on the EGI Federated Cloud: - 2 VMs with 8/16 cores, 32/64 GB of RAM - 1 TB of storage Contacted FedCloud site participating to the MOBRAIN CC. * Satellite Data (EPOS Thematic Core Service) - Collected requirements for a pilot - the use case will be presented at the next EPOS CC meeting (today) * Training infrastructure: - VO training.egi.eu ready - VO-wide image list created - 5 FedCloud sites are enabling the training VO ## AoB - proposal to have meeting every 2 weeks: ok, but need agendas and reminders beforehand. ## Actions: Accouting Scenario -> report progress on the running VMs accounting Enol -> define policies regarding user suspension Alvaro -> create a ticket regarding Keystone-VOMS support in Kilo Alvaro/Kostas -> Fill in ticket regarding possible timelines for supporting OCCI Profiles Enol/All -> check networking scenario wiki Enol -> send mail to list regarding meetings every 2 weeks # Chat transcript: Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): Hi all Catalin Condurache - RAL: Hi Catalin Condurache - RAL: translation please! :) Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI.eu): h iall Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8608 Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): Hi! Krakowian: hi Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8768 Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8729 Marica Antonacci (INFN-BARI): hi Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=8730 Enol Fernández: https://ggus.eu/?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=114375 Linda Cornwall, STFC: Also SPG document in revision see Linda Cornwall, STFC: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/SPG:Drafts:Virtual_Machines_Endorsement_Policy_March_2015 Emir Imamagic: apologies I need to run, bye Boris Parák: I agree Linda Cornwall, STFC: I agree Piotr Kasprzak (GWDG): Me too Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI.eu): ok Krakowian: ok :) Carlos (BIFI): bye Catalin Condurache - RAL: bye Miguel Diaz (CETA-CIEMAT): bye Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): Bye Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI.eu): bye everyone Luís Alves (CSC/NGI_FI): bye