# FedCloud meeting 25th August 2015 # Apologies John Luis Sven Viet Marios Paul David # Participants Boris Zdenek Enol Carlos Alvaro Catalin Iván Jerome Rubén Díez Vincent Owen Linda Daniele Miroslav Emir Diego # Actions from last meeting Endorsement discussion -> see notes below # New members No new members # WP4.2 status Brokering in AppDB -> still in design phase Standards Extension -> support for resizing images sent to OCCI public comment phase, working with Andy and Thijs to incorporate the changes, details to come soon -> support for snapshotting, will start work from September -> relocation of VMs, not started, foreseen for 2nd part of project Integration support for CMFs -> release of ooi, partners willing to test? -> OpenStack Keystone VOMS support for Kilo -> Start to integrate ooi, keystone-voms, rocci on UMD -> BDII extension to support VO information will be taken care by WP4.2 # Reports ## VM Management: (Boris) - working on next iteration of OCCI standard ## Data Management: N/A ## Accounting: N/A ## Monitoring: Emir - OpenStack probe done, request for new service type - document on the wiki what’s needed - github repo where all the probes are available ## Information Discovery: N/A ## Federated AAI: N/A ## VM image Management (Owen): - Linda document available, Owen sent comments - Enol to review everything and organise a dedicated meeting - Vincenzo reviewing the proposal and will send a summary/proposal ## VM image endorsement (Vincenzo): - bigger images needed, updated by Enol - appliance repo not working properly, need to contact GRNET ## Brokering (Enol): -> still open to move to Ivan ## Intra Cloud networking (Zdenek): no news, work in Indigo, developing some tests, will announce in following meetings. ## Federated Cloud Security (Linda): - sent SVG handling, comments welcome - technology provider questionnaire review, sent one year ago, - CSIRT f2f meeting next week -> Action on Linda to involve Enol into CSIRT ## Operational Status and Issues (Vincenzo) - no news ## User Community news: Diego - no news ## AoB - Workshop CfP: Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing - Cloud Storage Services for Novel Applications and Workflow http://cs3.ethz.ch/ - docker image available with FedCloud clients: https://hub.docker.com/r/egifedcloud/fedcloud-userinterface/ # Chat transcript: Iván Díaz Álvarez: Good morning! Enol Fernández: good morning rdiez (CESGA): Morning Catalin Condurache - RAL: good morning! Jerome Pansanel (IPHC, NGI_FR): Good morning ! Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): Goof morning Carlos (BIFI): Good Morning to everyone Enol Fernández: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=9095 Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI.eu): hi everyone Linda Cornwall (STFC): Link for the VM requirements doc https://documents.egi.eu/secure/ShowDocument?docid=2570 Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI.eu): thanks Linda Linda Cornwall (STFC): SVG issue handling procedure https://documents.egi.eu/secure/ShowDocument?docid=2538 Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): yes Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): You should at least have been added in Cc to the meeting emails, but people must have forget to add you :( Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): I was away for two weeks, I'll try to make sure you get them now ... Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): (sorry no mic) Enol Fernández: https://hub.docker.com/r/egifedcloud/fedcloud-userinterface/ Catalin Condurache - RAL: bye Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT): Bye Iván Díaz Álvarez: bye Carlos (BIFI): bye Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI.eu): bye!