SITES that are active users of Globus (list potentially incomplete) ================================================================================================================= * Finland + DEISA, PRACE: CSC, Helsinki, Jarno Laitinen: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment * France + DEISA: IDRIS, CEA, Paris, Denis Girou: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment + PRACE: Genci, CEA, Paris, Xavier Delaruelle: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment * Germany: + Albert-Einstein-Institut (AEI), MPI for Gravitational Research, Golm, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schutz: ACTIV + Astrophysical Institue (AIP), Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz, Dr. Harry Enke: ACTIVE + BMW, Munich, Mr. Thomas Wagner: were active, status unclear + Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hiller: ACTIVE + D-Grid GmbH, Dortmund: ACTIVE + D-Grid Scheduler-Interoperabilität, Bernhard Schott: ACTIVE + DLR, Köln, Andreas Schreiber: ACTIVE + UMG Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sax: ACTIVE + LMU, Munich, Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller: ACTIVE + PRACE, DEISA: FZJ, Jülich, Prof. Achim Bachem: ACTIVE + INP, Greifswald, Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Harder: ACTIVE + ZAH Astronomy, Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Rainer Spurzem: ACTIVE + WissGrid, Göttingen, Dr. Heike Neuroth: ACTIVE + DEISA, PRACE, IGE: Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich, Dr. Helmut Heller: ACTIVE + DEISA: Rechenzentrum Garching (RZG) of the Max Planck Society and the IPP, Munich, Stefan Heinzel: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment + DEISA: High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Stuttgart, Stefan Wesner: ACTIVE + IGE: Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Alexander Papaspyrou: ACTIVE * Italy + DEISA, PRACE: CINECA, Bologna, Andrea Vanni: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment * Netherlands + NCF, De Haag, Prof. Patrick J.C. Aerts: ACTIVE + DEISA, PRACE: SARA, Amsterdam, Jules Wolfrat: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment + IGE: FOM-NIKHEF, Amsterdam, David Groep: ACTIVE * Poland + PRACE, IGE: PSNC, Poznan, Rafal Lichwala: ACTIVE * Romania + Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Dr. Ionel Muntian: ACTIVE * Spain + Spanish NGI, CSIC, University of Calabria, Santander, Dr. Isabel Campos Plasencia: ACTIVE + IGE: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Prof. Igacio M. Llorente: ACTIVE + DEISA, PRACE: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona, Javier Bartolome: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment * Sweden + KTH, Stockholm, Erwin Laure: ACTIVE, but only in HPC at the moment + IGE: Uppsala University, Uppsala, Mattias Ellert: ACTIVE * UK + DEISA, IGE: EPCC, Edinburgh, Marc Parsons: ACTIVE + IGE: University of Southampton, Southampton, Steve Crouch: ACTIVE