Open Science Cloud workshop
- Tiziana Ferrari (
In the conclusions on "open, data-intensive and networked research as a driver for faster and wider innovation" (May 28-29 2015) the Competitiveness Council welcomed "the further development of a European Open Science Cloud that will enable sharing and reuse of research data across disciplines and borders, taking into account relevant legal, security and privacy aspects".
The Council conclusions offer an opportunity of reflection on the experience gathered by the EGI Cloud Federation and other cloud initiatives worldwide addressing the needs of data-driven science. New challenges and requirements are emerging from Research Infrastructures EGI cooperates with in the context of the EC funded project EGI-Engage.
The workshop offers the opportunity to e-Infrastructure and Research Infrastructure providers, publicly funded and commercial cloud providers, data providers, international research collaborations and policy managers to gather and discuss how the needs of research are pushing the technology, policy and regulatory boundaries of cloud provisioning in Europe and worldwide.
The workshop will address topics including:
- federating public and private cloud infrastructure for research;
- cross-border data sharing and federation worldwide;
- scalable access to and analysis of research data for reuse;
- services for depositing data for resource-bound users;
- promoting the sharing of open source scientific software and community applications
The expected outcome of the workshop is a position paper that defines the state of play of cloud services for research and identifies the barriers that an Open Science Cloud initiative could help removing to better support international research communities.