Present - Catherine Zwahlen (CZ), Michaël Dupont (MD), Björn Hagemeier (BH), Lukasz Dutka (LD) Oliver Amblet (OA), Matthew Viljoen (MV) Apologies - Christian Bernardt (CB), Jeffery Muller (JM) - Both LD and CB (in advance) reported stability in their data hosting services. over the last two weeks. - BH reported progress in setting up a third data hosting instance at FZ Jülich, based on SWIFT. Load balancing still needs to be implemented. MD asked the need for a third hosting site. MV and BH said that for scaling up to PB (and beyond), a federated approach with multiple data hosting sites was a necessity - both for scalability and also to address the distributed geographical datasets requirement as mentioned in the EGI/HBP Pilot Report (1). - The amount of hosting data was discussed. 4TB was mentioned but it was pointed out that only 2TB had been deposited at Bari for distribution onto the data hosting sites. -> Check whether all required data has been given to EGI. (HBP team) - AAI was discussed. HBP team said that it was not sufficient for the ATLASVisualization software to be protected; the imaging services had to be protected as well. MD said that this should be achiveable via incorporation of OpenID Connect into the load balancing service (e.g. NGINX) rather than modification of the Image Services running on Docker containers. HBP/EGI people will discuss further in a separate meeting -> Discuss in a dedicated meeting the best ways to integrate OpenID Connect into the image services (LD et al.) - The future development roadmap needs to be defined, and the relative priorities of the functionality 'wishlist' as written in Section 6 of the EGI/HBP Pilot Report (1) agreed. -> Agree and present the requirements' priorities to EGI so they can decide on implementation details (HBP team) - CZ asked about the SLA status, and whether any progress had been made since the initial SLA draft, circulated privately on 23 March. MV said that he had not been involved in further discussion but would ask Tiziana. -> Check on SLA status (MV) DONM: 10 May at 10:30 CET (1) - also referenced at the bottom of the HBP page on the EGI wiki: page: