EGI-EUDAT: ICOS Use case - 28 June 2016 Attendees: EGI: Enol, Matthew, Diego EUDAT: Peter, Hans, Michaela ICOS: Ute, Oleg, Mitch Status of the actions 1) Communication channel between EGI-EUDAT - account to be created by today (EUDAT) - Ute already used the contextualisation script to deploy th needed sw in the ICOS VM - Diego will provide Ute with some examples on how to use globus-url-copy - documentation: 2) OpenData Platform / OneData - step-by-step guide for users (Diego) 3) Load-balancer and orchestrators to create many VMs on the FedCloud. - Kubernetes - INDIGO-DataCloud project - step-by-step guide for users (EGI) Discussion: 1) Status of the B2STAGE and B2SAFE services at KTH - information provided by tomorrow (Peter) 2) Michaela and Enol to discuss about kubernets - 3) Add Michaela to the mailing list (Diego) Activity to be restarted in the last week of July. Next meeting in the first weeks of August (to be fixed). Next meeting: 28 June 15-16:30 CEST