EGI-EUDAT: ICOS Use case - 21 September 2016 Attendees: EGI: Matthew, Diego, Yin EUDAT: Peter, Hans, Michaela, Jens ICOS: Ute, Margareta, Oleg * Action review 1) Communication channel between EGI-EUDAT Test completed: setup a VM with Docker in the EGI FedCloud and transferred data to the B2STAGE at KTH. It is unclear how to link B2STAGE and B2SAFE. ICOS needs a recipe to do it. Action on EUDAT: Jens/EUDAT to check the documentation and provide ICOS with instructions 2) EGI DataHub / OpenData Platform / OneData Step-by-step guide for users now available: Action on Diego: It needs some refinements. Diego will complete it by the end of this week. Action on ICOS: ICOS will test the procedure. Training event at DI4R: Maggie will try to attend. 3) Load-balancer and orchestrators to create many VMs on the FedCloud. - Docker Swarm, IM (Infrastructure Manager, INDIGO-DataCloud product), Kubernetes are 3 possible valid solutions. - step-by-step guide to deploy Docker Swarm in EGI available at - Infrastructure manager web site: Action on ICOS: ICOS will check the documentation to understand which tool best fits with its needs. Michaela recommends Kubernuts. 4) DI4R conference Action on Diego: organise meeting with at least Matt, Maggie, Peter and Diego during the conference (doodle) Maggie will present a poster. Action on Diego: prepare a couple of slides on the ICOS use case to be included in the EGI-EUDAT talk in the "Towards interoperable e-infrastructures" session ( Action on Maggie: send some slides to Diego * EGI/EUDAT call for new use cases Michaela:asked for some recommendations from ICOS for the new call. Maggie will mail Michaela (action on Maggie). * Further analisys of the ICOS requirement document All the points are already covered by the solutions under analysis except: - ICOS deployment within the FedCloud: static against dynamic. This will be further examined when we agree on which orchestrator to adopt - PID/DOI: ICOS is setting up its proper facility for dataset publication associating PID/DOI. Integration with EGI/EUDAT systems to be further discussed. * Action list 1) Action on EUDAT: Jens/EUDAT to check the documentation and provide ICOS with instructions on how to create a link between B2STAGE and B2SAFE 2) Action on Diego: Refine the OneData setup guide. Diego will complete it by the end of this week. 3) Action on ICOS: Setup OneData in the FedCloud 4) Action on ICOS: Check the documentation of Docker Swarm, IM and Kubernets to understand which tool best fits with its needs. 5) Action on Diego: organise meeting with at least Matt, Maggie, Peter and Diego during the conference (doodle) 5) Action on Maggie: Maggie will send by mail some suggestions for the new EGI/EUDAT call to Michaela. 6) Action on Diego: prepare a couple of slides on the ICOS use case to be included in the EGI-EUDAT talk in the "Towards interoperable e-infrastructures" session ( 7) Action on Maggie: send some slides to Diego to help him in the preparation of the slides for the EGI-EUDAT talk