20th of Oct 2016 Agenda page: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3128/ Attendees: Dean Flanders (FMI), Roksana Rosanka (CYFRONET), Stephan Gerard (VUB), Sy Holsinger (EGI F.), Giuseppe La Rooca (EGI F.), Diego Scardaci (EGI F.) 1) Updates DS presented the status of the activity (see slides in agenda): - Status of the design and next steps - Assessment of the technologies: * PrestaShop: involvement of CYFRONET as unfunded partner * Open IRIS * Wordpress e-commerce plugin: meeting tomorrow Oct 21 with UberCloud MP developers - Features in the first release and timeline : * Deadline for first release 30st of November * To be clarified the support for pay for use. Action on Diego and Sy to discuss offline 2) Open IRIS DF will talk with the developers to check if the requested changes could be completed by the deadline. He thinks it is feasible 3) Prestashop (see slides from CYFRONET in agenda) - RR presented the assessment of the requirements for the first release. Almost everything should be feasibile buying the 3 following plugins: * http://addons.prestashop.com/pl/20201-additional-product-attributes-custom-product-fields.html * http://addons.prestashop.com/pl/19736-custom-checkout-and-customer-and-address-fields-manager.html * Google Accounts login-in module for PrestaShop DF raised the problem of the open source license for the PS plugins. DS to check with Yannick. - Custom workflows for services. This requires development. CYFRONET will assess the effort needed to create hooks for each service by the next meeting. Effort to fill in the hooks depends on the definition ofthe custom workflows that is still in progress. To be negotiated what can be included in the first release. - Delegating to third parties the registration of new services in the marketplace: it is possible to create an account in PS with privileges only to manage products (but all the products). A more fine-grained solution requires development. CYFRONET to assess the effort - Multi-shops: DS clarified better the requirements. CYFRONET to assess the effort - DS will provide CYFRONET with the list of common attributes that should be included in the Cart Next meeting: Thu 27 of Oct 11-12 CEST. Invitation already sent to the mailing list. Action list: 1) Diego and Sy to define the requirements for the pay-for-use in the first marketplace release 2) Diego and Sy will meet the UberCloud MP developers to have an assessment of the cost to implement the EGI MP 3) DF will check with the Open IRIS developers if the requested changes could be implemented by Nov 30 4) RR will send to DS the list of PS plugins that should be bought 5) DS will check the possible license issue with the PS plugins 6) CYFRONET will assess the effort needed to create hooks for custom workflow for each service by the next meeting 7) CYFRONET to assess the effort for the Multi-shop feature 8) DS will provide CYFRONET with the list of common attributes that should be included in the Cart