Operations Management Board (Note: it has been anticipated to May 4th)

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Adrian Coveney (STFC)
Alessandro Paolini (EGI Foundation)
Alessandro Paolini (EGI Foundation)
Andrzej Zemla (NGI_PL)
Dragos Ciobanu-Zabet (NGI_RO)
Emir Imamagic
Eric Yen (Asia Pacific)
Gianfranco Sciacca (NGI_CH)
Iván Díaz Álvarez (CESGA)
Jeremy Coles (NGI_UK)
Kostas Koumantaros
Linda Cornwall (STFC)
Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation)
Miroslav Dobrucky, NGI_SK
Miroslav Ruda
Peter  Solagna
Stephane GERARD
Sven Gabriel
Ulf Tigerstedt (NGI_NDGF/NGI_FI)
Vincenzo Spinoso



Peter Solagna reported on CMS releases, Security challenge, a new use case for Fedcloud (ERIC) and the Catania event sessions relevant for the operations.

WMS decommissioning

Alessandro Paolini updated about the plans for WMS decommissioning.

WMS needs to be decommissioned as soon as possible, because the developer team do not has effort to provide patches in a timely manner. The hard deadline proposed to OMB is end of 2017.

The best alterntive available is DIRAC, and VOs have been contacted to evaluate a migration in the next months.

DIRAC sustainability would be ensured in the medium term by the EINFRA-12 proposal, if approved. DIRAC4EGI instance (currently hosted in Cyfronet) will probably be able to absorbe the current WMS workload.

Action: EGI Operations will review the DIRAC documentation providing examples and links to the official DIRAC documentation.

ARGO update

Emir Imamagic provided an update of the work of the ARGO team, in particular: monitoring of candidate sites and WebDAV endpoints.

Accounting portal update

Iván Alvarez demonstrated the new features of the accounting portal which is under testing now.

Action: ROD teams to test the development instance of the accounting portal (information circulated by Alessandro in the past weeks).

Downtime proposal from WLCG

Alessandro Paolini reported about a request coming from WLCG.

WLCG: Downtimes longer than 5 days should be raised 30 days in advance to be considered "scheduled". Shorter downtimes can be raised 24h in advance to be considered 'scheduled'.

EGI Operations suggested an unification of the downtimes, having a single rule: e.g. 4-5 days of advance notice.




There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Peter Solagna (EGI.eu)
    • 10:10 10:25
      WMS decommissioning plans 15m
      Speaker: Alessandro Paolini (EGI.eu)
    • 10:25 10:40
      ARGO updates: monitoring WebDAV services 15m
      Speaker: Mr Emir Imamagic (SRCE)
    • 10:40 10:55
      New accounting portal release 15m
      Speaker: Ivan Alvarez (CESGA)
    • 10:55 11:15
      Downtime proposal from WLCG 20m
      Speaker: Alessandro Paolini (EGI.eu)
    • 11:15 11:30
      OneData deployment testing 15m
      Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (EGI.eu)
    • 11:30 11:40
      AoB 10m