30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

NextGEOSS: Next generation European GEOSS data hub and cloud platform

30 Nov 2017, 16:30
214 & 216 (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

214 & 216

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre


Mr Nuno Almeida (Deimos Engenharia)Mr Nuno Catarino (Deimos Engenharia)


The NextGEOSS project, a European contribution to Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), proposes to develop a centralised hub for Earth Observation (EO) data, where the users can connect to access data and deploy EO-based applications. Through developing further technologies in the scope of GEOSS, the project will enable increased use of EO data supporting decision making. Moreover, a central component is the strong emphasis put on engaging the communities of providers and users, and bridging the space in between. NextGEOSS holds an exploitation platform (virtual workspace), providing the user community with access to large volume of data (EO/non-space data), algorithm development and integration environment, processing software and, computing resources, collaboration, and general operation capabilities. NextGEOSS focuses on a fundamental change to facilitate the connectivity to the European and global data centres with new discovery and processing methods to support innovation and business. It will leverage Web and Cloud technologies, offering seamless and user-friendly access to all the relevant data repositories, as well as providing efficient operations for search, retrieval, processing/re-processing, visualization, analysis and combination of products from federated sources. As such, this project requires the collaboration with ICT Research Centers to serve our communities. Included in NextGEOSS there are ten pilot activities which will test the integration in the data hub, and provide GEO-related activities on their own, supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Six of the pilot applications are Innovative Research Pilots, in which the focus is on intensive research and development activities. The remaining four pilot activities are dedicated to Business Opportunities and Services, focusing on a commercial-oriented approach.
Topic Area The EOSC & EDI building blocks
Type of abstract Presentation (15 minutes)

Primary author

Mr Nuno Catarino (Deimos Engenharia)


Mr Nuno Almeida (Deimos Engenharia)

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