30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

Panel Discussion: A Roadmap for Building ENVRI-as-a-Service to EOSC

1 Dec 2017, 11:40
213 & 215 (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

213 & 215

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre


Dr Giovanni Morelli (CINECA)Dr Ingemar Haggstrom (EISCAT)Dr Maggie Hellstrom (Lund University (Sweden))Dr Markus Stocker (Universität Bremen)Dr Zhiming Zhao (EGI.eu)


The discussion will be moderated based on the following questions: 1. What does EOSC mean for ENVRI RIs? How the community can benefit from EOSC? 2. What are the challenging issues to connect ENVRI to EOSC? 3. What is a roadmap toward an ENVRI asS to EOSC?

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