November 30, 2017 to December 1, 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science


Shortening the long tail of science

Nov 30, 2017, 2:00 PM
The Square Meeting Centre

The Square Meeting Centre

Mont des Arts street, no. 1000 Brussel, Belgium


The session will discuss the needs of the of the Digital Humanities, Language studies and Cultural Heritage (DH+L+CH) research communities about the EOSC, and how these needs require to be addressed. It will also highlight how the PARTHENOS cluster project is working to provide common solutions to Research Infrastructures in this wide domain.
Addressing standards, fostering interoperability and findability with a common data model and supporting research with tools and training will pave the way towards full-fledged participation in EOSC of the researchers in this area.
The research community needs and the solutions achieved so far will be presented in live demonstrations, to be interactively discussed with attendees who are welcome to propose their own problems and verify if the PARTHENOS or other solutions are suitable to address them. Thus the approach will not be a sequence of conference-like theoretical lectures, it will instead consider and interactively discuss practical cases with the public, checking how the PARTHENOS solution fits them.

All researchers, especially those labelled as belonging to the "Long tail of science"

Improve awareness, provide feedback and discuss solutions

Participants from the audience are invited to register for two minutes’ statements or for questions. This may be done contacting in advance the moderator ( or during the session, if time allows.

Presentations will include:
1. Introduction to the session – Franco Niccolucci, PARTHENOS Project Coordinator
2. The PARTHENOS Joint Data Model (JDM) and catalogue – George Bruseker (FORTH). How the JDM can support cross-discipline interoperability, discoverability and access 

3. Mapping data models to the JDM – Alessia Bardi (CNR) How to advance towards integration
4. The PARTHENOS standards survival kit (SSK) – Dorian Seillier (INRIA) Standardization for beginners as the 
foundation of every interoperability effort 

5. The Data Management Plan made simple – Hella Hollander (KNAW-DANS) No-hassle fulfilling an obligation towards the research community and funding agencies
6. First steps towards the EOSC – Achille Felicetti (PIN) A success story of moving tools to a cloud environment to use and reuse data 

7. RIs and e-infrastructures: united we stand, divided we fail – Parallel questions to Franco Niccolucci (PARTHENOS) and Daan Broeder (EUDAT) A mandatory but difficult dialogue between the two pillars of EOSC 

Franco Niccolucci, PARTHENOS coordinator

Presentation materials

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