30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science


Security, trust and identity management

30 Nov 2017, 16:00
The Square Meeting Centre

The Square Meeting Centre

Mont des Arts street, no. 1000 Brussel, Belgium


Security, trust and identity management

  • Tommi Nyronen (CSC)


Security, trust and identity management is especially required by scientific communities that need to process and manage sensitive data. We hope to bring together experts with complementary skills and viewpoints from scientific, e-Infrastructure and management perspectives in the session, and discuss the solutions and gaps that exist.

The session sets the present scene by describing scientific requirements and solutions emerging from the life sciences which has progressed in the field due to pressing demand to analyse sensitive human data. A range of technologies are already being more offered and developed by European e-Infrastructures to meet some these challenges. For example, operational security for the European Open Science Cloud and federated authentication and authorisation services for scientists to enable scientific collaborations at scale.

Presentation materials

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