Agenda: wiki: - workplans: T7.1: done T7.2: missing, expected 02/02 T7.3: done T7.4: missing, expected ? T7.5: done T7.6: done T7.7: missing, expected 09/02 T7.8: missing, expected 09/02 T7.9: missing, expected 09/02 - services: - high priority: B2SHARE, B2DROP, EOSC AAI, EGI Data Hub, DIRAC4EGI, EGI Cloud, EGI Online storage - lower: B2STAGE, B2HANDLE, B2SAFE, EGI HTC - mailing lists - next meetings: - common topics with WP8: Jupiter? - RDA (Berlin March 23 EOSC-hub session) - FAQ: - effort and costs - access to wiki (EGI SSO)