Participants ------------ - Ole Weidner (OW), SAGA - Andfre Merzky (AM), SAGA - Shantenu Jha (SJ), SAGA - Steven Newhouse (SN), - Sergio Andreozzi (SA), - Michel Drescher (MD), 1) Action Item review --------------------- 01/01 Requirements capturing has been conducted, and is currently sourcing from the following projects, among others: - Open Science Grid/Teragrid - BPH project(?) - Saga for EGI White Paper activity 01/02 Some progress is made in defining the UMD Capability "Client API". Describing the deployment mode (mode 3, i.e. deployed directly in EGI) has been worked on, and may be subject for further dissemination at EGI User Forum 2011. 01/03 No progress. 2) Discussing MoU with SAGA --------------------------- * Signing party for SAGA As per Email from 19 February 2011 AM pointed out that the signing party on behalf of the SAGA project is an open question. Several secions in the MoU have impact on this question. The discussion touched several candidate signing parties, including, EPCC, Rutger University, or LSU. This issue was touched on several occasions through the call, and eventually all participants agreed on settling this issue as being signed by an individual, Dr. Shantenu Jha as the representative of an Open Source project delivering the SAGA technology onto the EGI (--> AI 02/01) The implications on responsibility, funding, and follow-on activities (in particular SLA negotiation and execution) are understood and accepted by all participants representing SAGA. * Negotiation timelines and boundaries Call participants agreed that there are no obstacles and objections against negotiating the MoU and SLA with SAGA in parallel. * Review of MoU The review of the MoU based on the PDF version AM circulated before the call. (--> AI 02/02) BACKGROUND: Accepted. ARTICLE 1: Accepted. ARTICLE 2: Main text acceppted. Activity A.1: Accepted. Activity A.2: Accepted. Activity A.3: Accepted. Activity A.4: Accepted. Activity A.5: Accepted with change of scope (--> AI 02/03, 02/04). Activity A.6: Accepted. ARTICLE 3: Accepted. ARTICLE 4: Accepted. ARTICLE 5: Accepted with appointing SJ as deputy to AM in boards (TCB and SCB). Remark: In case F2F attendance is not possible ensures appropriate Skype/phone bridge infrastructure. ARTICLE 6: Accepted. ARTICLE 7: Accepted. ARTICLE 8: Accepted. Call participants reinforced the planned date of entry into force to stay 1 March 2011 irrespective of the formal signature date, based on good experience of informal collaboration to this date. ARTICLE 9: Accepted. ARTICLE 10: Accepted. ARTICLE 11: Accepted. ARTICLE 12: Accepted. ANNEX 1: Accepted. ANNEX 2: Needs to be populated with appropriate content (--> AI 02/05) ANNEX 3: Accepted. ANNEX 4: Accepted. 3) AOB ------ * EGI User Forum 2011 SJ requested guidance on target audience, expertise level, etc. for the SAGA slot to provide maximum value for money for the audience in Vilnius. The discussion resolved in the SAGA project having great flexibility in modelling the slot according to the audience needs (--> AI 02/06) * UMD Roadmap AM commented that sections in the description of the Client API contain outdated and inaccurate information and suggests those being corrected. In particular, the projects and implementions of jGlobus, javaSAGA and jSAGA are mentioned in context with the SAGA project and are in questionable state or lack maintenance at all. (--> AI 02/07) * next TCB meeting In light of progress on signing the MoU and good practice with existing Technology Providers, invites the representatives of the SAGA Open Source project to partake in the next TCB conference call (--> AI 02/08) 4) Action Items --------------- 01/01, Gergely, Shantenu Introduce existing SAGA user communities to's concept of VO/VRC to organise users together in a shared research discipline. OPEN 01/02, Michel, Andre, Ole OPEN Work on a technical description of the SAGA deployment mode (Mode 3) on infrastructure, and a sufficiently scoped definition of the UMD Capability "Client API". 01/03, Michel OPEN Introduce SAGA to the existing TPs on the next TCB F2F on 20 January 2010, and provide details on the discussed deployment and affiliation model. 02/01, Shantenu, Andre, Ole Come up with an official namre of the Open Source Project that delivers SAGA technology onto EGI. NEW 02/02, Andre Provide the editable Word verison of the MoU to Sergio for preparing the third draft of the MoU. NEW 02/03, Sergio, Andre Re-scope section A.5 "Sustainability Models" to cover helping develop sustainability plans and activities with the Open Source project (see AI 02/01) NEW 02/04, Sergio, Andre Re-scope section A.5.1 as per changes in section A.5 (see AI 02/03) NEW 02/05, Andre Provide SA with contents for Annex 2 covering a description of the Open Source project delivering SAGA software onto the EGI (see AI 02/01) covering topics such as funding situation (historic, present and future), project structure and responsibilities, collaboration, etc. building confidence and trust in that OS project to deliver its promises. NEW 02/06, Michel Get AM into contact with Gergely Sipos (GS) and Karolis Eigelis (KE), both, for GS and KE to provide guidance and requirements stemming from existing EGI User Communities. NEW 02/07, Andre Provide a summary of inaccuracies in UMD Roadmap section "Client API" and send to Michel for incorporation into UMD Roadmap. NEW 02/08, Michel Provide AM and SJ with appropriate access to the TCB infrastructure and meeting dates. NEW