Attendees -------------------- Matthew Viljoen (MV) (chair) Alessandro Paolini (AP) Johannes Reetz (JR) Ilja Livenson (IL) Pavel Weber (PW) Kathrin Beck (KB) Baptiste Grenier (BG) Vincenzo Spinoso (VS) GENERAL -------------------- JR presented KB from MPCDF, who will additionally participate in T4.1. EUDAT -------------------- JR presented an overview of governance and operations activities in EUDAT There is no policies in place regarding active enforcement of providers failing to meet target levels. Implementation of this is something EUDAT can potentially learn from EGI. JR also presented EUDAT's new federated ITSM system based on LUSID. There is a possibility of embedding this into the EOSC-hub Confluence. Regarding configuration management, DPMT builds upon and enhances the functionality of GOCDB and offers GOCDB-like compatibility EGI -------------------- VS presented AP presented EGI's ticket handling procedure, availability statistics compution and site suspension with GGUS MV presented an overview of EGI governance, boards and policies. DISCUSSION -------------------- MV suggested that T4.1 Operations Coordination activities need to focus exclusively on coordination activities and delegate work on ITSM processes to their respective WP4 tasks - including processes that are highly related with operations (e.g. CONFM, RDM, CHM etc.). Furthermore, we could start work by selecting a list of operations coordination activities in a collaborative document, and T4.1 people can each concentrate on an individual area, gathering information about how it is currently covered in EGI/EUDAT and then (later in the project) how it can be harmonized. Document to start this work: DONM and LOGISTICS -------------------- We agreed to try for a monthly T4.1 meeting tracking progress of analysing/harmonising existing operations coordination activities, and discussing problems. Work between meetings can continue on the T4.1 mailing list (being setup) and by ad-hoc meetings. Next meeting in 4 weeks (Thu 8 Mar at 11am) Public Chat -------------------- 12:09To All: availibity also affects workload managers on the computing side (e.g. WMS,Dirac) 12:18Baptiste Grenier (EGI Foundation) (to All): As far as I understand we have SLA put in place between EGI and the customers, and we have some OLAs put in place between EGI and the service providers (and the OLAs should cover the needs of the SLAs), so there is no direct agreement between the sites and the customers, all goes with EGI in the middle 12:51Baptiste Grenier (EGI Foundation) (to All): The EGI and WLCG security teams are well aware of what is published in the BDII, and indeed we are discussing with them to get an agreement when we want to publish things publicly. 12:52Baptiste Grenier (EGI Foundation) (to All): And FYI, for FedCloud we aiming at having to get most of the things closed by default as with FedCloud users can expose/deploy VMS, but for gird endpoints it is some kind of validated/maintained infrstructure services 12:53Baptiste Grenier (EGI Foundation) (to All): Also getting an agreement among all the partners/members/providers can take some time, as things have to be agreed before being enforced