

Claudio Cacciari (Cineca)

* Giacinto: offering to scale up with EGI resources
    * Jupyter scaling; this won't work with the two sites for security reasons
    * thus, only compute + jupyter + registration + ... scaling together on EGI resources.-> same resources is likely to work well - as stated in our original plan, planned for year 2.
* Release cycles and needed support:
    * No specific needs from ECAS right now
    * Planned first EOSC service catalog at end of year 1; ECAS wants to be ready well before that.    

* EOSC-hub will provide some certification rules
    * For ECAS, this might mean to record incremental levels of integration in the service catalog, which is not a problem.
    * Deliverable D4.1 (M6, June 2018), which lists the rules and requirements for getting into the service catalog. ECAS has to observe these.

* Training offer opportunities:
    * could be during eosc-week, first two days.
    * There will be a dissemination conf in fall! possibly giving a basic ECAS training; but the users interested in ECAS details may not be there…    

    * CMCC and DKRZ could look into additional opportunities external to EOSC (e.g. HPCS Conference, etc.) —> needs to be discussed with the dissemination WP (Sara)
    * Training/expert advice on DataHub for ECAS: Needed to settle architecture details in advance. Giacinto can find out. Possible timeframe: after March.
* RDA:
    * ECAS has relation with Array Databases Assessment group (just recorded in table).
    * EOSC side meeting on Friday. Someone from ECAS may be there, pending travel planning.
* EGU: posters/talks dissemination by WP3, e-mail to Claudio

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