9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Session Intro

11 Oct 2018, 14:30
Auditorium B104 (Lisbon)

Auditorium B104


ISCTE, University of Lisbon


Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)


Digital Innovation Hubs is a concept developed by the European Commission under the Digital Single Market as a mechanism for private companies to collaborate with public sector institutions in order to access technical services, research data, and human capital. There is a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in place across Europe, already supporting sectors such as manufacturing, internet of things, cybersecurity or cognitive computing. The EC aims to support a Pan-European network of DIHs and has earmarked 500M€ from Horizon 2020 budget to support the development of DIHs, of which 300M€ for WP2018-2020. The EOSC-hub Digital Industry Hub (DIH) will enrich the network by bringing private companies into the European Open Science Cloud through piloting concrete business cases. The EOSC-hub DIH builds on individual public e-Infrastructures business engagement programmes and outreach activities in place for several years. The added value brought through a joint effort is in packaging a wider variety of services and expertise into a more coherent offer that would otherwise have to be accessed individually or compiled on their own. In addition to supporting individual companies, one of the key activities of the EOSC-hub DIH is to connect with regional and pan-European networks of Digital Innovation Hubs. Therefore, this session is designed to 1.) showcase the EOSC-hub Digital Industry Hub (DIH) structure and engagement model, promote the availability of services for industry and highlight the variety of business pilots that will be starting to produce results and create new value 2.) gather existing European DIHs and initiatives to facilitate a closer collaboration with the European Open Science Cloud and further implement the EC objective of creating a pan-European network of DIHs.

Primary author

Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)


Claudio Arlandini (CINECA) Giuseppe Fiameni (CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario) Marcin Plociennik (ICBP) Nuno Varandas (F6S) Roberta Piscitelli (EGI.eu) Dr Stefan Zasada (UCL)

Presentation materials