B2SAFE new Jenkins platform at SARA to integrate all B2SAFE core and non-core components, creating configuration for branches and so on... All the other components are welcome to join the platform (b2note,b2share,...) https://b2jenkins.irodspoc-sara.surf-hosted.nl/ accounts could be asked to Stefan Wolfsheimer or Michele, start trying testing the integration. Next EUDAT Hackaton in October, prepared draft for the CDI next 3 document (Michele) based on CDI next 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pnVONXGnGzvS7dZRWu0PhgU2ZAZHU1Lzihot9VuW3ls/edit# please give a feedback for deliverable D6.3 second release of common services https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbCz4PFAh1ZtiS3HIo1nxbYRgb5bJyz0AhpWGBzyfXM/edit B2NOTE Related to jenkins the gitlab code for b2note is linked to jenkinks, we could do the migration. Would be easy! Advances: key info, Yann fired thomas. Out of developers but working with some collegaues to continue the work started. Converged to simplify the architecture for the b2note full javascript implementation for the ui and updated the python3 flask framework and rest api. Javascript framework actually creates a web component that could be integrated as a plugin, this could be integrated in 2 different ways. We checked all the functionalieis in the previous version are replicated in the new version. Milestones: Missed June milestone, integrating with onedata or openaire are needed improvements, will call openaire people and create a b2note prototype version to be tested by users. waiting for b2share integration, no news no discussion with b2find so far B2SHARE (Hans) We planned a new release before the Hackaton, not everything will be included. We also planned a new release but we had problems with test instance of b2share and b2access. For this reason we created a reported issue with a workaround. The next release is planned for the 4th october Some issue with usage statistics. Harri side for helsinky? integration b2note b2handle not going on CSC is delivering the plan for the integration with the b2note, yann ask how things are going on: Harri says they have next week scheduled a day for the roadmap eudat 2020 Probabily they will have a telco also Yann, Harri and Hans for the integration b2note b2share b2handle. After those meetings probably they will find a common path to integrate all 3 services. Michele offered help, or incase we could contact JK. B2HANDLE Sofiane will leave the project soon, but will be working partially on the eosc project. He will be replaced by someone in the technical staff Will try integrating with b2share in the next months FAREA: tobias weigel attended the meeetings, there were 2 meeting: at the moment we have no specific schedule or working plan for the near future for this use case. The idea is interesting anyway. There s much to do and discuss in the future and will report this in the future, no concrete collab at the moment B2HANDLE integration with data hub is completed! so no more discussion is needed on this Next meeting October friday 4 at 14:00 before the Hackaton at JSC ---