Participants: Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation) Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI Foundation) Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET) Bruce Becker (EGI Foundation) Eric Yen (TWGRID) Emir Imamagic (SRCE) Jerome Pansanel (NGI_France) Stephane Gerard (BEgrid) Miroslav Dobrucky (IISAS) Dmytro Karpenko (USIT) Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF) Isabel Campos (CSIC) Alvaro Lopez (IFCA) Pablo Orvis (IFCA) Joao Pina (LIP) Apologies: Linda Cornwall (STFC,RAL,PPD) Dave Kelsey (STFC, RAL, PPD) ===================================== Introduction, Feedback from NGI Managers, Ops News from EOSC-hub Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation) ===================================== Feedback from NGI Managers had identified the difficulty of managing distributed infrastructure with limited effort. Bruce is working on this and will present this work at a future OMB. ==================================== uDocker and Containers Speaker: Isabel Campos (CSIC) ==================================== Running entirely in user space, no support/overhead is needed by NOC Managers, but there are potentially many cases where uDocker would be useful for users. It's not available in UMD yet but it was thought that this would be a good idea. ACTION: Vincenzo to contact Mario/Jorge regarding uDocker in UMD uDocker offers much of the functionality of Singularity? - why use Singularity? Isabel said when full root access is required, and where there is local support at a site for providing Singularity as a service. Vincenzo asked who is maintaining the images on Dockerhub? Alvaro said that this isn't important - they are just user "payloads" - we needn't care about job contents. ================================= UMD and Operations news Speakers:Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI Foundation) =================================== EGI Operations is considering withdrawing support for MPI Start - is it still needed? Request for NOC Managers to provide feedback as to whether it's required for users. ACTION: NOC Managers to let us know if MPI Start is still required ==================================== Badging Fedcloud sites Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation) ==================================== As with Fedcloud-TF, NOC managers voiced concern over the suitability of criteria for obtaining 'Gold' badge. For example, a provider who is providing an excellent service but is running an older CMF. Kostas voiced his concern over the usefulness of badging fedcloud sites. However, others felt that this is a useful exercise. Emir suggested extending badging to grid sites. Matt said this is something we can look at if it is felt that it would give us benefit. Matt said that EGI Operations felt that this has potential in acting as a powerful incentive for sites to meet agreed criteria, but of course this needs to be agreed. Kostas said that this shouldn't detract from important work such as OLA signing. Matt said that it won't and suggested we continue to work on proposing useful criteria, but no publicity would take place until agreed by the OMB. ===================================== Security updates Speaker: Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF) ===================================== No questions. ====================================== Discussion and AOB Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation) ====================================== next OMB meeting suggested on Sep 20th If urgent business, we can convene in August - please let us know.