ERF Data Working Group Webinar


Invited talk on ERF, its present status and future perspectives, following with questions and discussions on group work.

Speaker: Dr Florian Glikshn, the Associate director at the ELI delivery consortium and executive secretary of ERF

Connection to the meeting: 

Participants: Brain Matthews(STFC), Brigitte Gagey(SOLEIL), Daniela Stozno(Laserlab-Europe), Florian Gliksohn(ELI-laser&ERF executive secretary), George Kourousias(ELETTRA), Jiri Chudoba(ELI_LASER), Julia Michel(SOLEIL), Jurgen Neuhaus(FRM II), Rolf Krahl(HZB), Sibel Yaster(DESY), Yin Chen (EGI)

Discussions: what is the next step for the working group

Yin: The working group started one year ago. Begin with the requirement collection but failed to identify common interesed topics to work on. I had a several meeting with Mirjam and consider to look at simiar groups' activities, identify syngies. I've been in contact with EIROForum, but haven't got response from them. On the other hands, we also want to better understand each other and share experiences from member institutions, the idea is to organise webinar series start from the invited talk on data policy and managements in PSI.

Jurgen: main challenge is to identify what haven't been done by others -- the data topics have been well studied in many organisation, groups and communities, we should identify what is left and suitable for ERF to address in the form of paper or else. Maybe follow the direction of the first ERF workshop on data to have a second round workshop etc. 

Yin: I haven't heard about this workshop. We can find the more information about it. On the other hands, we can look at exisiting working groups such as EIROForum, LEAPS etc.

Brain: one area that many of us would like to have more information about EOSC, how RIs are expected to work with EOSC, what benefits can get out from it

Yin: EGI can give a talk on EOSC

Daniela: there is certainly areas interested is to learn experiences from others. From laserlab-europe current is very diverse do not come to common tasks etc.

George: agree with Brain, we'd want to exame more about EOSC, that will going to affect our instituions more or less

Jiri: we are working in ELITRANS project data management data. we see this forum is a great opertunity how to unify and exchange solutions of many problems. There is one link for ERF data workshop in 2014.

Rolf: to collect overview of activities in this area would be useful

Sibel: nothing to add, but try to be more inovlved 

Jurgen: althogh there are many inititives working on data but the links between these work are not clear. To get informed, overview status of each other would be useful and next step

Yin: as the immedite follow-up actions, we can organise 2 webinars, 1 about EOSC in Nov, 2 in Dec given by Mirjam. 





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