Vincenzo Spinoso
Matthew Viljoen (
Alessandro Paolini (EGI Foundation)
Bruce Becker
David Cohen (NGI_IL)
Dmytro Karpenko (NGI_NDGF)
Gianfranco Sciacca (NGI_CH)
Greg Corbett
Jan Astalos (NGI_SK)
Joao Pina
Kashif Mohammad
Zdenek Salvet (DMSU)

Jerome Pansanel

AOB Joao: HTCondor and CREAM, 4 sites want to full decomm all CEs, replacing with condor, what about monitoring probes
Alessandro: EGI contacted condor team to have it integrated, monitoring is one of the first steps
Matthew: the condor integration is one of the high level objectives of 2019, timeline will be provided for sure
Vincenzo: also ARC-CE is getting interest from sites, Jerome asked about accounting on ARC-CE and I'll ask directly the developer in URT meeting for this; in general, computing element are a hot topic for 2019, to be looked after closely by EGI Operations