-- comments on new mailing lists, wiki, SSO etc
EGI CSIRt public wiki: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/EGI_CSIRT:Main_Page
EGI CSIRT private wiki: https://wiki.egi.eu/csirt/
EGI CSIRT mailing list for incident response: csirt@mailman.egi.eu with alias csirt@egi.eu and abuse@egi.eu
NGI security officers and their backups, manually populated at the moment, will synchronize with gocdb in the future
site csirts, will be populated from GOCDB, will replace "PROJECT-EGEE-SECURITY-CSIRTS@in2p3.fr"
EGI CSIRT team mailing list, will replace project-egee-osct@cern.ch
-- anything else we might need (document DB, ticket tracker etc.)