The EGI Notebooks for interactive analysis of data using EGI storage and compute services

Enol Fernandez (, Giuseppe La Rocca (

The EGI Notebooks is an 'as a Service' environment based on the Jupyter technology, offering a browser-based, scalable tool for interactive data analysis. The EGI Notebooks environment provides users with notebooks where they can combine text, mathematics, computations and rich media output. EGI Notebooks is a multi-user service and can scale to multiple servers based on the EGI cloud service.

With the Binder ‘extension’ of Jupyter one can turn a Github repository with Jupyter notebooks into an executable environment, making code, visualisation and documentation immediately reproducible and reusable by anyone, anywhere. 

This webinar will introduce the key features of the EGI Notebooks service, particularly:

  • Easy access based on user authentication through EGI Check-In using institutional (eduGAIN) or social media accounts (e.g.: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn).
  • Graphical environment to write and run code, analyse and visualise data.
  • Persistent storage associated to each user, available in the notebooks environment.
  • Customisable with new notebook environments, expose any existing notebooks to your users.
  • Leverage on the EGI e-Infrastructure cloud compute and storage resources to run the notebooks.
  • Sharing of notebooks through Binder for Open Science.

The EGI Notebooks are offered in two options:

  • For individual users: EGI hosts and offers a JupyterHub within the Applications on Demand service. After a lightweight approval, users login, write and play notebooks using the EGI storage and compute capacity.
  • For user communities: EGI offers consultancy and technology to setup a community-specific JupyterHub on top of a community VO. This comes together with community specific compute and storage.


Connection link

Webinar recording

How to access Adobe Connect:

In order to use all the functionality of the Adobe Connect service, the following plug-ins and add-on are requested:

  • The Flash Player browser plugin,
  • The Adobe Connect Add-on.

There is a webpage the user can head to test if the browser is ready to access the meeting:

When you visit this page, a test procedure will start to check whether 1.) the necessary plug-in and Add-on are installed and working, 2.) you can connect to the Adobe Connect service, and 3.) the connection speed.

If you gets all green tickes, then you are good to go, othwewise, please follow the instructions to solve your problem. If you do not see the test procedure running at all, it means that the Flash Player plugin is not installed. Follow the 'Download Flashplayer' link provided and install that first before to run the test procedure.

After all the installing, especially on Windows, it is a good idea to restart your server, at least close and re-open your browser, just to make sure the installers completed successfully.

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you keep your Flash player up-to-date and you check this page regularly to make sure that your browser is always ready to access a Connect meeting.


The webinar is open for anyone. Registration is not required, but recommended prior the event (using the 'Apply here' link below).
