The trend in number of tickets arriving to DMSU is promising -- 0/8/144/198 by project quarters. There is still the issue of too little tickets solved in DMSU directly, and assigned to 3rd line instead. However, it's mostly DMSU internal problem, I'm going to address it with updated procedures (the upcoming milestone), to make sure this does not happen unless there is a clear evidence of software bug. We still have suspiciously low numbers of non-gLite tickets (0 for UNICORE and just few for ARC). However, we have to correlate these numbers at least with the number of EGI production sites claiming to run those middlewares (and the number of downloads from repository after EMI-1 release eventually) before deriving any conclusion. Regarding DMSU feedback to TPs, so far only one ticket with such content appeared. I've transformed it into another ticket in the requirements RT queue, adding a special DMSU tag to be able to distinguish those tickets further. Because this is too few, I suggest going the other direction. If the people who take care of gathering and processing the requirements in the RT queue could give us a digest (list) of relevant tickets there, we (DMSU) can help assessing them with the knowledge of the production deployment.