Dear all, I hope you did nice travel back to home. Thank you for the very active meeting yesterday morning, I appreciated the possibility to share with you ideas on how this board could work better in the future. For the ones that were not present I would like to summarise the discussion with few short points: a) there was a common agreement on asking to the TCOM to be more practical on discussing technical topics. Specifically those that spans across multiple WPs that cannot be discussed in the AMB and that cannot be easily solved within a single task or WP. I would add here that we should try to be open in our discussion: inviting, on ad-hoc basis, expert as needed in order to better shape the discussions. b) There was a common agreement on having a leading role in defining a concrete architecture for the projects and not only contributing with the status of the art and reporting the activities in the areas. c) there was a common agreement on the need of organising a workshop for discussing the ideas on the architecture. This has to be organised as soon as possible with the involvement of WP and Task leader and all others experts could help in this process. d) in the deliverable 10.5 “Technical Architecture and standard Roadmap v2” we should provide a good description of the real EOSC (possibly) Architecture (even with the aim of going beyond the project itself). In order to achieve these points the agreed on this ***actions*** here: 1) Each TCOM member will start thinking on 2-3 technical topic that are worth to discuss during TCOM meetings (and if you don’t mind I will also mine here). We should provide these topic ***before April 20th*** 1a) after sending by mail the short topic, we should focus on describing (before the TCOM meeting) those topic in a confluence pages under the TCOM area. (I will provide details on this afterwards) 2) I will send a doodle, in one week time, to find a possible date for the technical workshop at point c). 2a) I will start organising the logistics details and propose a draft of the agenda in the coming weeks 3) I will send a doodle in a separate email for finding a slot to finish the fruitful discussion we had today. I will do this before Monday. Thank you again for the open and honest discussion we had.