Stefan, Michele Started configuring the new Jenkins test and build platform for the B2SAFE components. We agree to schedule a new pre-release version for the 15th of September for the B2SAFE. We agree to proceed creating a new branch for the B2SAFE pre-release if needed and to include last features. Than tag the new version and test everything before going in production. All people involved can try to join the new jenkins platform at SARA integrating their own software code and components. Soon we will migrate to KIT eudat gitlab for the source code ( Julia Some updates for the iBridge Migrated code to Python3 in Github Prepared a list of points for the next EUDAT Hackaton 2019 at JSC in October Next points: for the iBridge not so much, need to write the graph generation scripts, some problem to be solved. Adil We removed the DPM from the virtual environment, but Francesco is on vacation and we have a meeting next week, on the development site I read the comments from michele to the DMP document. Michele asked Adil to create some test script for basic unit functionalities and try to merge in the Jenkins. We agreed Jenkins will be the reference platform in the near future for all B2SAFE related components. Narges We need to face with technical issues, trying to see what is the problem. The problem is that data can be replicated from BSC to surfSARA but not the other way around. Deadlock situation, things are going slow, Michele asked to Narges to contact Jhon A. Kennedy and put him in copy.