T7.9 Lifewatch


Attendees: Debora, Sheila, Albert

- Requests to enter the marketplace for 11 services sent to the onboarding team. Feedbacks from onboarding team received. Answers are needed on how to acknowledge Lifewatch in the services and on the access modalities for each service. no technical problems.  

- GBIF are very interested in knowing more about EOSC-hub; they asked for a training session.  ACTION: Debora to put Sheila in contact with Training leader.

- ACTION: WP7 mailing list to be checked (Sheila is not getting the emails).

- EAP: can TS already in the project apply? is there another call? Debora to check with EAP team.  ACTION: Debora to check and send more information.

- still pending: Debora suggests to start investigating in the meantime with the service providers if they are interested in integrating with other common services in the EOSC hub catalogue. 

Next call is planned for the 22nd of Nov 2019 at 11 CET.

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