#8 Mapping the sensitivity of mitigation scenarios to societal choices Science areas 1.5 Earth and related Environmental sciences 2.7 Environmental engineering 5.2 Economics and Business Aim to perform modeling studies to explore international climate change when policies and technologies change Objective: to guide such changes to a sustainable development. Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM - TRL9 EOSC-hub services and cloud resources used to define a Pilot platform fo the community Run 10000 independent simulations grid like jobs Now: Use of Laptop and desktop Exploratory activities by the applicants on -Batch systems -HPC systems -Containerization - TRL5 - they are very interested in this activity Services for the platform (caclulation and analysis) - authN/authZ service - cloud resources - distributed storage (Rely on a Database (PostgreSQL) to define the simulations and organize the results) - Mesos/Marathon to be used as orchestrator of containers (PaaS)