2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Machine learning and Deep Learning services for the EOSC

3 Nov 2020, 09:45
Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3

Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3

Full presentation: long (25 mins.) Data analytics and thematic services - part 2


Alvaro Lopez Garcia (CSIC)


The DEEP-HybridDataCloud project offers a development framework for all users, including non-experts, enabling the transparent training, sharing and serving of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning models both locally or on hybrid cloud systems in the context of the European Open Science Cloud. The DEEP solution is based on Docker containers packaging already all the tools needed to deploy and run the models in a transparent way for the users.

In this session we will present the current service offer, allowing scientsits to share and publish models ready to be used (through the DEEP marketplace); to develop, build and train models (through the DEEP training facility); and to deploy them as services (through the DEEP as a Service).

Primary author

Alvaro Lopez Garcia (CSIC)

Presentation materials