T7.5 OpencoastS


Attendees: Debora, Anabela

From the integration point of view:

EUDAT integration: 

- Joao working with Samuel on the EUDAT integration. 
- Each user needs to have a EUDAT account? Email sent to Sander to clarify the issue with Samuel.
- B2DROP community -> 2/3TB enough maybe 5TB ACTION: Debora to send the costs, it is already anticipated that it will be very difficult for LNEC to pay for it
- continuing the test with the second version of OpenCoasts
- planing of the last training.. but many postponement of events

- COVID-19 might cause a bit delay and problem for support but it is difficult to estimate now.

- EAP link: couple of meetings, agreed on the number of tasks and additional effort. End of the month everything will be clarify. 

Doodle to be circulated for next call.

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