WP8 task leaders meeting


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  • EOSC-hub week
  • Project acknowledgement
  • Update from each CC and the EaPs (task leaders, 10' each)
    • Progress
    • Issues
    • Plans for 2020 (Service onboarding; Testing plan; Outreach & training; Sustainability)
  • AOB

Notes of WP8 task leaders' meeting (by Gergely Sipos, WP coordinator)

4th of March 2020. 

EOSC-hub week:

- The final programme is expected to be published by the end of this week.

- WP8-related sessions:

        * Public session about "Impact of EOSC-hub on science communities" - CCs and Thematic Services will be invited to apply for presentation slots

        * WP8 internal meeting (for task leaders): Report about progress, issues, plans

- There will be a call for posters and demos - WP8 is encouraged to submit content about services/prorotypes that are ready for demonstration


- Please make sure that the proper EOSC-hub acknoledgement is used on online portals and in software code that came out from EOSC-hub. See Gergely's email from 2nd of March.

CC reports:


- Tony to take full control of the task from Susheel --> Gergely to have a 1-on-1 call to help the transitioning


- Deployed ARGO monitoring service on IN2P3 EGI server towards the end of 2019 (OpenStack, Docker, Cassandra, Elastic Search)

        * Agreement until end of EOSC-hub.

        * The deployment is not specific to IN2P3. It can be migrated to other clouds easily. Additional instance runs at IFREMER.

        * CSC should operate this in EOSC-hub, but there is no progress. --> Gergely to check offline (Jerome, Thierry)

- Data analysis takes place on CINECA with a monthly frequency, using JupyterHub and B2DROP

- SeaDataNet evaluated OneData successfully. Requested recently additional funding to move further in the uptake. (The setup is similar to IFREMER's Intake architecture)


- Portal is in the final stage of EOSC onboarding

- Have 1-on-1 meeting with early adopter users (who'd also check the federated Identity management)

- Job submission part should be improved/reconfigured to be able to use user-defined analysis input

- Working on an setup of an EISCAT_3D Notebooks in EGI --> Gergely to check with Enol

- Visit from Hamburg to discuss the B2 services for metadata management and PIDs (DataCite or other?)

- Dissemination at EISCAT User Meeting. Let Gergely know if you need any support for promotion (poster,


- B2SAFE to replicate data among the data centres. All centres have now the setup, some with automated synchronisation. Others are working on this, with the use of custom tool, called 'Rule manager'. Some features are planned to be added to this tool.

- All data centres have access to Jupyter environments. Connection is with WebDAV. Assessment of the environments is ongoing

- KNMI works with SurfSara to assess ResearchDrive. The solution is good, but the integration with Jupyter is not mature enough. Decided to explore rather Kubernetes with API to setup Jupyter on demand. Our German partner have a similar setup at KIT.

- We plan to setup demos with applications with relatively small dataset because the infrastructure does not seem robust enough. Target event: Seimologican conference after the summer.


- Internal demo and evaluation of EGI Check-in. It was a success but to adopt it we need to change a bit the setup we made earlier. We are in contact with GRNET concerning usability, and operation of a local instance, scalability.

- Planning demos:

    * Repository of common workflow language and workflows of containers. Expose this via a Web interface (Apache Airflow).

    * B2SHARE demo with SURFsara

- Enabled the harvesting of metadata from radio data archive in B2Find. It's extra compared to original DoA, but useful for LOFAR

- Event in June in Portugal for astronomy data centres. We'll present our EOSC-hub work there as well

- Main event: LOFAR data school in September for ~50 people. Data access and analysis. We will use EOSC-hub supported services too

- Sustainability: We work with our core centres, but the question is whether we can provide a really open service to the external world


- Time series analysis runs on EGI access cloud; B2Drop is also used for file deposit. Both successful and all hidden behind a REST API

- We struggle with the variety of configurations that exist in the SOS (Standard Observation Service) (a community specific internal issue)

- Data request from SOS service is too slow, Sometime time out; Job scheduling solution would be needed --> Gergely to suggest solutions based on experiences from other CCs.

- A possible extension can be also combining with Jupyter Notebooks (e.g. to run quality check tests routinely as plug-ins)

- eLTER+ project will take care of the long-term setup. The kickoff meeting will be in end of March.



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