5th EGI Training Working Group teleconference



Gergely Sipos ((EGI.EU))
The purpose of the EGI Training Working Group is to develop and monitor a training coordination strategy for the EGI community. The role of the Training Working Group is to establish an interactive market place as efficiently as possible and then to monitor the training services provided for the EGI community and to ensure that they serve the needs of the whole community but with the focus on end-users.
The Training Working Group has been established by the EGI User Community Support Team (UCST). Any NGI and DCI project is invited to put forward potential members. Please get in touch with the UCST if you are interested in participating: ucst@egi.eu
Further information about the group can be found at https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Training_Working_Group

Topics and discussion points for this 5th meeting:
1.  Update of actions from previous minutes (https://www.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=442).
2.  Feedback from TWG members on new Training Marketplace website (http://www.egi.eu/user-support/training_marketplace/)
3.  Feedback on plans for its further-development (described in the training services workplan document - see attached)
4.  TWG activities to promote website and seek out contributions to new training events.
5.  Plans for EGI roadshows - roadshows to be focused on user interaction with grid:
  • Demonstrations of:  Training Marketplace, Apps DB gadget, VO services, RT (Reqts submission), CA, EGI website.
  • UCST to explain current EGI eu project focal areas (current work) and to seek feedback issues.
Allocation of responsibilities within the TWG for these items?
6.  Review of TWG membership - any changes of POCs required?
7.  AOB
The agenda of this meeting is empty